In addition to the US and Russia, and France and Brazil, the Indians (Viraat), the Spanish (Juan Carlos) and the Italians (Cavour) all have carriers that displace within a few thousand tons of the Sao Paulo...and they are more capable and better defended.The Brazilian navy is an elite club. Currently there are only two countries with large carriers (USA and Russia), and two countries with medium carriers (France, Brazil). The rest of the blue water navies have light carriers. The Type-22 frigates and Niteroi-class frigates are not the most modern, but they are still very capable ships.
Lets discuss the equipments and capabilities of Brazil's navy here.
Within a few years China and the UK will be added to that group having larger carriers as well...although I would bet on a carrier group centered around a UK Invinsible class carrier right now over one centered on the Sao Paulo if it came to comparing the two.
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