In my opinion, it's about the politics. If you notice, there had been so many powerful states rising in the north in the Song dynasty. This had never happened before or after the Song dynasty. It was the weak song govn't that allowed the rise of all those northern states. This all originated from the founding emperor of the Song dynasty. As he was a commanding general in the late Zhou empire and later rose against his lord, he naturally distrusted his generals. He was seriously worried about one of his generals would follow his example and kicked him or his offsprings off the throne (in fact, his own brother did exactly that). Additionally, the mighty Tang dynasty before him fell because of powerful warlords. So he deviced a system that would weaken the power of those generals stationed near border. These generals had to do a 3-year rotation. This means the longest time a general could spend in one location was 3 years. Then he had to move to elsewhere. This system means no general can stay in one place long enough to establish his influence and his power base. Although this system worked as designed, one side effect of this is that the commanding generals usually had little clue of the capabilities of the generals under his command, no clue of the condition of his troops, no clue of the terrain he was in. Clueless generals =weak army near border = weak border. Without the strong Song army to hold down those minor states, like what previous dynasties did, these minor states got the opportunity of their life and began to grow stronger. This would be the source of all sorts of trouble that Song dynasty had to face throughout its existence.
If Song allowed its generals stationed along its northern border to develop its military like all the previous Chinese dynasties, like Han and Tang, Liao would not be in existence, Jin would not be in existence, Mongol would still be scattered tribes.
Someone might point out that China had always been troubled by its neighbors in the north since its first existence. Yes, that is true. The nomad tribes in the north had always annoyed China. However, they mostly stayed as annoyance, nothing more. The northern nomads were mostly like ants in your backyard. They bite you and make you itch and you hate them. But you never have to worry about them destroying your house and endanger your life. This is because you hire people to apply pesticides in your backyard all the time. It was the Song dynasty policy to have unstable and weak border military that gave them a chance to multiply into a plague that ultimately consumed China.
If Song allowed its generals stationed along its northern border to develop its military like all the previous Chinese dynasties, like Han and Tang, Liao would not be in existence, Jin would not be in existence, Mongol would still be scattered tribes.
Someone might point out that China had always been troubled by its neighbors in the north since its first existence. Yes, that is true. The nomad tribes in the north had always annoyed China. However, they mostly stayed as annoyance, nothing more. The northern nomads were mostly like ants in your backyard. They bite you and make you itch and you hate them. But you never have to worry about them destroying your house and endanger your life. This is because you hire people to apply pesticides in your backyard all the time. It was the Song dynasty policy to have unstable and weak border military that gave them a chance to multiply into a plague that ultimately consumed China.
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