The military budget of China in 2007 financial year

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Gentlemen ,gentlemen,gentlemen.:nono: Let's return the discussion back to the PLA budget of 2007. If you want to discuss the US military budget start a thread in the Worlds Armed forces discussion. And cease with the insults.

bd popeye super moderator


New Member
You have to consider the fact that ethnic Chinese tend to be disliked in Indonesia because the impression is that they take away business and just get themselves rich, which obviously isn't the case. Nevertheless there is still discrimination.

Oh yeah, the fact that China invaded Vietnam around 30 years ago doesn't endear them much either.

I certainly hope your vengeful desires do NOT get acted upon. Thank heavens you don't lead China. Who do you get revenge on for the Taiping rebellion anyway?

Have you been to indonesia, when you are assuming they are HATE bit the indo, i think that is an overstatement mate, i've lived there,i think they are dislike more on religious different and envy because they are richer ethnic, amongst hundredth other ethnics in that country.

For the descendant of those oversea chinese dat settled b4 the euopean left their cave to vendure out and colony indonesia. da only way to make a living was to do business. because the Dutch reserved anything else for themself.

the the disproposion of wealth on dat country is because of corruption than anything to do with background.

as for the taiping rebellion, revenging on those profit on the misery of the victims.


Lieutenant General
I don't want to stray to far from the main topic of this thread But Anti Chinese did exist in one form or another It is artificial meaning it is the creation of the elite to protect their own turf. The Suhartos just continue the old dutch policies of controling and profiting from Chinese at the same time Lest those chinese forgot who own the cow they unleash terror once and awhile


New Member
Registered Member
:nono: FuManChu, i think u r the gy who always sing the different song from us, but we need you any way, becasue we need some1 to play with, so thank you ! and plz keep to do this, good luck!
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