In the past, Japan was a part of China until it seperated. Korea was not part of China but it almost became part of it(it did not assimilate into china becos it had its own written language invented in time).
never part of China although formaly chinese emperor was recognized as the main figure by many in the Far East, and the Japanese borrowed many of China's ideas.
Part of what is now
was colonized by the Chinese, but it never became part of China either, even though the people there were greatly influenced by the Chinese.
was ruled by China for about 1K years but had many rebellions, repelled Kubilay Khan invasion and never became part of China (or any other empire, for that matter!). The
left Southern China and settled in what is now Thailand, an independent kingdom - the only Asian country that never got colonized by outsiders.
was colonized by the mainlanders & Japan but was always on the fringe and a base for pirates/rebels. In China itself, regionalism is strong, with many mutually unintelligable languages (called dialects). Only the written characters/measures/money are the same, and there is only one time zone from Sinkiang & Tibet to Harbin & Hong Kong.
I've read this saying about China: "what's devided must unite; what's united must devide!" In his young years, Mao Ze Dong
the last great unifier and "savior" of the people, had a different opinion before he conquered the Forbidden City. In 1920, when the 27-year-old Mao was a frustrated nobody full of patriotic ideas, he wrote a piece in a local newspaper calling for the secession and independence of his home province of Hunan. "The final solution to the construction of Hunan is in a Hunan republic. I am against a greater republic of China but for a republic of Hunan," Mao said in Hunan's Da Gong Bao; the newspaper is still published in Hong Kong by Beijing, the well-known Ta Kung Po. Every province for itself, Mao argued, so that Hunan would no longer suffer along with the rest of war-torn, corruption-stricken China.
And how many Chinese were sent during his reign to their early grave during the
So, we can argue both ways- the unified China is a good thing, or maybe, in the long run, isn't so good or even a very bad thing! If the written language, measures, money,
and the
are the only things that unites the country, one day it may fall like a house of cards!
On the subject of discoveries by the Chinese, check these books:
PALE INK, Two Ancient Records of Chinese Exploration in America
: How the Chinese discovered America
Dr. Xu has been able to read Chinese words on some artifacts located in the National Museum of Mexico. The words mention people and events related to the Shang dynasty, which ended about 1,200 B.C., whereupon thousands of refugees possibly fled to what is now Central America. Dr. Xu believes these people founded the Olmec civilization.
When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433