Issue one, The US has already aid workers on the ground, in case you missed it the first American cases were volunteers from infected areas.
Issue two, the "Boots on the ground" are less likely to be fighting units. The US Army is composed of a wide variety of units and commands the vast majority are not trigger pullers there logistics services. The three that seem most appropriate US Army corps of Engineers for construction, US Army logistics services for Bio4 gear and operations of shipments and air logistics. And USAMRIID... Oh wait you should know a little about that Balance...
USAMRIID has been on the ground in Africa monitoring this for years. Planning for just such a situation.
Issue three samples of Ebola would not be hard to come by. Surviving samples of Ebola is another matter.Ebola us a biohazard level 4. To understand that. Bio level 1 is not infectious to humans doctors working there just wear gloves and masks are not needed. Bio level 2 demands surgical masks and gloves its not lethal to humans and has a low chance of infection. Bio level 3 is where it gets serious, coveralls gloves and surgical hoods are needed chances of human infections are fair, but controllable. Lethally is possible but steps can easily be taken. Bio level 4 means you don't even trust the air the doctors who work in this area are in virtual spacesuits. Conditions have to be absolutely controlled. Doctors and nurses working have strict limited time to be in contact with the patient even with protective measures. And the measures have to be very precisely followed. That's how the second American infections happened. The Nurses and doctors in contact with the infected patient did not know or follow the protocols. Level 4 means that the medical worker has one hour to be in contact with the infected. They have to follow a precise suit up program that is supervised by a specialist. That suit up can take hours. Once the hour in contact is over the medical worker has to follow a precise decontamination and undressing program. Then if they have to deal with more infected they have to suit up again and follow the same process step for step.
Pulling in the USDOD on this scale is odd but pulling them in makes all the sense in the world.
Finally issue four. Global research has gone out of there way on this to smear. Read the article its got no facts its pure hate. I am no fan of Obama, nor the World Health organization but I feel I should have read that article in a bio level 4 protective suit. Its so partisan it could be run in a political campaign.