Junior Member
That's a rather hard question to answer the only book I've ever read on China was Edgar Snows book "Red Star Over China" and I can't remember it there was too much written about the actual guerilla war, and although much is made of Mao's guerrilla war against Chiang, the most vivid pictures in my memory were the post WW2 campaigns in Northern China where old film footage showed PLA troops with tanks and with Soviet advice, were beginning to adopt tactics, somewhat similar to the strategy's of 'Deep Battle'.
I guess in the earlier years the battle environment would have been somewhat similar to how the Viet Minh fought against the French?????? I think that type of approach, getting the opponent to over react to your own attacks and thereby alienating the populace was the correct one, because even in the very early days I don't think Stalin was giving unconditional support to Mao, because of ideological differences. I think Stalin believed the roots of the revolution had to come from the proletariat and not from the peasantry?
School lessons told us the reason why the KMT lost was Chiang exhausted his forces energy , by fighting the warlords and the Japanese while the communists conserved their resources and bided their time. This view reinforced by a ex red guard woman ( If or got her name who now lives in the West and for a while was the darling of anti ccp public in that she wrote a book, about her life in China as well as destroying the myth of Mao. cant remember the books title or her name) because I have never read it.
I find the assertion that the Communists did not fight the Japanese rather strange because as a young kid I use to go with my father to the "NZ China friendly society" ( One had to be very careful attending their gatherings as the NZ govt regarded it as a front for communism and watched its goings on suspiciously.) And then my dad was CCP supporter and my mum was a KMT supporter.
Well Im Very Very sure I saw a documentary of communist troops fighting the Japanese in the early part of the war. I don't know where about's in China it took place and when I asked my father what it was about he said something about a hundred. I don't know whether he misheard me or I misunderstood him but I've never pursued the question with him. Subsequently i have nothing to go on other than some vague idea that the communists did fight the Japanese.
the amazing thing about this periods as regards the PLA is how a ragtag army which made hardwork in fighting 2nd 3rd rate japanese forces managed to fight a western army to a deadlock in Korea.
Ya I think part of what you are saying about the WW2 was true that the CCP did avoid fighting major battles with the Japanese after 1941, after a famous campign called "Hundred Regiment Campign" (when translated into English) according to my deceased grand father who actually fought the Japanese understand KMT then CCP. The reason being the ones you stated above as the CCP saw that a civil war was not avoidable.
However, the reason that KMT lost the war was not simply due to the fact that they were tired out from the WW2, nor from fighting warlord (which KMT absorbed into own force). It is taught in college history books here that the KMT had control of all the major cities in China in the beginning of the war. Another fact is that KMT also has a significant advantage in term of men power around 4.x million against 1.x million in the beginning, KMT also had a above the chart advantage in term of firepower, ammunation, equipment and industrial power due to the massive help by the Americans(Chiang's wife visited the White House numerous times asking for the aid of the Americans in which the KMT did receive). I personally think the only reason Chiang lost the war was cuz his government was too corrupt, he being a selfish leader and starving the rest of the country and that Mao and his generials were just better than Chiang to be honest, basically Mao had 99% of the population at that time to back him up...
THe CCP of course received aids from the soviets, but it is nothing compare to the aids by America to help KMT. The KMT had several elite group armies completely equipped with American made equipments.... I am very sure that most of the CCP back then were using type-38 of the Japanese and other outdated small arms with very little modern equipment support such as armoured units and the airforce.(The CCP airforce was not even formed until way after the Korean war.. while the KMT even had the state of art American Air fortress bomber)