Aerodriver said:Darth........I live in China, if there was any truth behind this I would have seen it because it would be all over the news. I have not seen it in any of the papers I read, and I have not seen it mentioned on CCTV. So if you want proof that it’s a lie.....the proof is simply because it is not all over the media in China and if it was true it would be. As much as you would like this story to be true, please take a small reality check this discovery would be equal to the moon landings, the first atomic bomb, discovering gravity etc etc. Putting the ball back in your court, can you prove it is true?
Aerodriver said:For starters comparing the J-10 to a civilian project like the reactor is pretty pointless, one is a military program, hence they keep it secret, one is a civilian program that would prove China's technology is 20 years ahead of anyone else on the planet. It would solve Chinas energy needs in one quite swoop so it would be all over the news because it would be a huge coup for China to have done this. I still see news about the space program, pictures on bill boards, wax worked of the astronaughts in museums etc and making a real self sustaining "mini sun" would make the Chinese space program pale into insignificance. It would be everywhere; cheap, clean renewable energy and they would not put the news out in one newspaper. Sorry I just have to laugh at that. China has a team working as part of the ITER project () it has to design and make the following components magnet conductor, correction coils, feeders and supports, blankets, remote handling transfer casks, gas injection system, electrical switchgear, some diagnostics. Which is according to the web site 10% of the total project. Each country does 10% with Europe doing 50%. I can no more prove it is a lie, more than you can prove its true. However, Darth, common sense should prevail and you should realize that all China has done is part of its work share for the international project. I don't want to sound too rude, but stop dreaming, wake up and smell the coffee.
and to Mr. C, I live in China, I can see how much some parts of the country is changing but in most things it is still behind western countries and it buys in a lot of technology (example the fastest train in the world in Shanghai, the space program, military weapon components etc) A self sustaining fusion reactor is the holly grail of physics at the moment, and I think a lot of guys are underestimating how important this discovery would be to the world, let alone to China on its own. To suddenly think it has jumped ahead of a major international project (that it is apart of) by twenty years I simply see as impossible. Anyway the next few months will tell because if it is true it will be everywhere the news if true, however I for one will not hold my breath.
I am not saying China is not catching up and I'm not saying it is not good a science (take a look at ) for a very favorable report about Chinas involvement in the ITER.
Vlad Plasmius said:No offense, but you're all goddamn retarded. There was no mention of actually creating a reaction. This referred strictly to an engine test. I'm sure if the user who started the topic was referring to the creation of a reaction he or she'd say so.
Here's some info on it:
Aerodriver said:Darth, that is exactly my point. YOU said what they had done was a fantastic achievement. I said it was simply part of the international project. FULL STOP. YOU over estimated what had been achieved, not me.
Out of interest I can read some Chinese, and what I don’t understand I will simply ask my tutor but what has that got to do with anything? Does it make you understanding of the physics involved and inparticular this program greater than mine? It may also supprise you that quite alot of laowei do learn Chinese, its not rocket science.....or should I say nuclear physics
The problem is you do not seem to grasp the magnitude of what you were claiming, the projects you just sited such as DSI and HTR/new batteries/lithium aluminum alloy are pin pricks in science, This project is huge, one of the biggest science projects ever.
If you live in ANY country advance research is hidden, China is not special, what is special about China is it control the news, so I was saying why would they only release what would have been the countries greatest modern achievement in only one news paper? What you said was not just a simple update on a science program, you said they had acheived it. BIG difference.
P.s. I did not say I was special, that is simply you choosing to read between the lines and come to a conclusion that is favorable to yourself, as you did with the initial article and your other posts on the topic. I simply stated that I live in China and there is no news regarding this (what would be) FANTASTIC news for the human race, hence I used that to back up my argument that what you first stated was incorrect. I think even you must agree you were simply wide of the mark with what you first posted. I am not attacking you, your views or anything to do with China, I am simply saying in this case you were incorrect with your initial post.