New Member
Thank you! It would be awkward if you just post here alone and if its about Taiwan I should be around for it, I hope you don't mind necroingPropagandalass, Thanks for posting in this long dormant thread. Post only ROC military pics here. There are other threads for the PLA.
Nice job in posting pics!
I think you slightly misunderstood me, the ROC emerged from the former KMT government that had control on Mainland China, I was asking if KMT forces from the Mainland that conquered Taiwan and then evolved into the ROC would count as Taiwan or Chinese military.
Also wether KMT would count as Chinese or Taiwanese military during its war against Taiwan uprisings, because regardless of KMTs positive and negative moments of History it had many developements and had a great impact on Chinese Military during WW II with weapons, equipment and strategic advice from super powers of both sides (Nazi Germany and USA) becoming the first Chinese army that relied on conventional arms (unlike the last few dynasties that mostly were mostly backwards in that aspect during colonial ages), which might have interesting things if anyone contributes.
PLA =/= KMT respectively.

Taiwanese Military staging a simulated battle. I think it was in August 2007, bad with dates here.

ROC V-150 APCs in simulated battle including coastal defense issues

Patriot batteries displayed in a ROC Military Parade.
Taiwan's army has a lot from US and Germany as it isn't cranking all to much itself in own developements. I wonder if we can evolve new types of armory if combined with new PLA equipment and knowhow.
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