Taiwan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
Aero_Wing_32, I've read a lot of terrible articles... but this one is surely one of the top I've ever read for terrrible articles! :p Not only was the english bad, the designations are so mangled up I had no idea what they were talking about. It took me a bit to realise that the 'FB-7' was actually the JH-7 and the 'IDF-II Goshawk' was some sort of hamfisted attempt to describe the F-CK-1 C/D which hasn't entered service yet.


Junior Member
Ah I wasn't aware of its induction. On a related note:

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Indonesia turned down what appears to be 10 'free' (in the looses meaning of the word) Qatari Mirage 2000-5s, they're less than 10 years old. Perhaps Taiwan has a chance at these.


Junior Member
"Ah I wasn't aware of its induction. On a related note:

Jakarta Globe

Indonesia turned down what appears to be 10 'free' (in the looses meaning of the word) Qatari Mirage 2000-5s, they're less than 10 years old. Perhaps Taiwan has a chance at these."

What a surprise! ^^
Russia is funding their Su purchases and lot of their weaponry... Their view on the Mirages is perhaps (laser) "guided"... ;)

Well, Taiwan shouldnt make any kind of business with them. Especially military ones...


Junior Member
"Ah I wasn't aware of its induction. On a related note:

Jakarta Globe

Indonesia turned down what appears to be 10 'free' (in the looses meaning of the word) Qatari Mirage 2000-5s, they're less than 10 years old. Perhaps Taiwan has a chance at these."

What a surprise! ^^
Russia is funding their Su purchases and lot of their weaponry... Their view on the Mirages is perhaps (laser) "guided"... ;)

Well, Taiwan shouldnt make any kind of business with them. Especially military ones...

indeed I doubt anybody really believes that line he said 'I would have told them that our state budget is focused on infrastructure and improving the people’s welfare' especially with their recent deal with Russia.:rofl:

I guess you're right though. Aquiring only 10-12 aircraft would be sort of strange when you need 50+ more. Still it would be a good stop gap to replace some of the 50 or so F-5s left in service (although integrating the more advanced 2000-5 with the older 2000s the ROCAF have already aquired would be difficult and possibly costly)


Junior Member
Customers can ask for specific set ups/requirements in their orders, like UAE did for their M2000-9 for example. As far as I am concerned, I havent heard of any tropical concerns with SNECMA M88-2 engines... did you read this on articles from lobbyist journalists? ;):coffee:

Aha! Found it (sort of)

Not the original article I was thinking of but even Snecma says the M-88 will have to be modified for hot and high conditions.

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The article reminds me actually that half of the UAE's Mirage 2000-9s are built to standard and while the older batch are refurbished, the refurbishment was extremely extensive with wan airframe overhaul and the engines set back to zero hour status basically making them new aircraft. In total the UAE has 60 of these aircraft its looking to sell. If Taiwan were looking for a foriegn source for fighter aircraft, I would say this (and I guess along with the 12 Mirage 2000-5s from Qatar) is their last and best opportunity outside of hoping that France will sell them Rafales.
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Junior Member
What is sure is that the Rafale will get an upgrade leading it to the next step / F4 standard. That will include the new SNECMA motors M88-3, AESA radar evo, and would integrate new weapons like METEOR missiles, and other more advanced systems, mostly highly confidential. This is what we heard of.

Last but not least, here is a link to a brochure on the Mirage 2000-9 multirole fighter. This one would be a great bird for Taiwan. No doubt...
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Junior Member
What is sure is that the Rafale will get an upgrade leading it to the next step / F4 standard. That will include the new SNECMA motors M88-3, AESA radar evo, and would integrate new weapons like METEOR missiles, and other more advanced systems, mostly highly confidential. This is what we heard of.

Last but not least, here is a link to a brochure on the Mirage 2000-9 multirole fighter. This one would be a great bird for Taiwan. No doubt...
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If the F-16 sale fails (for the 2nd time) there will be 'blood in the water' and I am sure Dassault will take an active interest in Taiwan. The problem is that they would know Taiwan would have few options outside France anymore and there would be interest from other countries for the most advanced Mirage 2000 available which means that in the end, France would hold all the cards and could bring Taiwan to the cleaners for the Mirage 2000-9s. The best situation for Taiwan, the ROCAF and AIDC would be if on the otherhand, Dassault becomes desperate and offers, like they did to India 10 years or so ago, the rights and papers on the Mirage 2000 to do as they wish. Not only would this give Taiwan a boost in its domestic aircraft capabilities but it would also allow AIDC (with Dassault, Thales, and MBDAs help) to completey refurbish their current fleet of Mirage 2000-5EIs to Mirage 2000-9 standards to the same point that the UAE was able to refurbish its older Mirage 2000EAs to Mirage 2000-9 standards which would greatly increase their airframe's lifespan.

If this fails as well... well theres only 2 options I think, AIDC must (quickly) develop a 4+ generation aircraft itself (or just build more F-CK-1C/Ds) or somehow convince India (the only country really left) to sell them the Tejas Mk.2 (as unlikely as this entire scenario may seem) when it is completed in a year or so.


VIP Professional
f-35 isnt that expensive...that's why they made it lol.

Google article titled "GAO says F-35 costs to hit $1 trillion" from March 12, 2009.

Aircraft purchase and operating cost for the F-35 is very very high according to latest estimates. Also, Japan and SK doesn't have the F-35 yet, I don't think they'd sell to ROCAF first.

Whatever aircraft the ROCAF ends up with, I hope TW's negotiator has enough backbone to demand at least local assembly of the aircraft with some tech transfers.

Just as the PRC played the Soviet card during the Cold War, the Russians probably are looking to play the PRC card today. Selling Su-33's to PLAN isn't really a strategic threat to them (the PLA can just cross the border by land), and the funds will help pay for Russia's own R&D expense for newer systems.

If the US was to sell the F-16's, they'd probably do it on Obama's 2nd term.