Taiwan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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國軍基層人力告急!國防部放寬刺青限制 開放提前退伍軍士官再入營​

The grassroots manpower of the national army is in an emergency! The Ministry of National Defense has relaxed the tattoo restriction and allowed non-commissioned officers who have been discharged early to re-enter the camp
Some very ridiculous new rules, such as allowing people with a height of 150cm or having a tattoo, to become soldiers.


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The US military nowadays has a relatively lax attitude on tattoos also, as far as I know. Beyond just being asthetically unpleasing at times, is there something wrong with having tattoos? Does the presence of tattoos mean gang associations in Taiwan?
Very obviously, Taiwan has triads.
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Regarding the smuggling of guns from the military to the gangs.
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