Taiwan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

Mr T

Senior Member
How come one article has said that the defence budget for next year will be a touch over $10 billion and the other $12.5 billion?

kliu, not quite sure what you mean - are you concerned they're getting rid of the whole project? I heard they've decided to put money into making the missile more accurate/reliable rather than getting the range up to 1000km and beyond.


Junior Member
They aren't producing anymore Hsiung Feng IIEs because its not compliant with the "national defence strategy", instead focusing all the money into investing and mass producing the Hsiung Feng III Supersonic Anti-ship missiles. I'm just worried that with the Hsiung Feng IIE going, we won't have enough deterrant force.

Mr T

Senior Member
They aren't producing anymore Hsiung Feng IIEs because its not compliant with the "national defence strategy"

Where did you get that from? My understanding is that HF-IIE production will continue, just not the extended range version - so it will be limited to 600-800km.


Junior Member
Lol....i got it from Taiwan news, but meh...they must be wrong cause I double checked on the internet. So yea, you're right....sorry about the confusion....But still.....they should continue developing the range of the missile. I mean that sort of development can be copied onto other missile defense platforms such as the Sky Bow and possible more advancement into indigenous weaponary.

Mr T

Senior Member
Horses for courses. Maybe researching a longer-range missile could have implications for other weapon systems, but the same could be said about improving accuracy and reliability. Then there's more money going into the HF-III which is also good.

For myself I think improved accuracy is better than a longer range at this point.


Junior Member
For the HF-III They should make it more accurate and reliable as you said. But they should continue making the HF-IIE faster, accurate and longer range.

Mr T

Senior Member
But they should continue making the HF-IIE faster, accurate and longer range.

Can't have your cake and eat it. If there is only a set amount of money for R&D, you may only be able to focus on one thing. Even if there were more resources, I would focus on accuracy first.


Junior Member
HF-III needs to be reduced in weight and size above all, so that it can be fitted into ships, small or large, best missile in this class today is the Russian/Indian Brahmos, although supersonic missiles tend to be not so agile and easy to detect.


Junior Member
It can fit into the ROCN's ships. Some have already been fitted and are into service. The HF-II are still fitted onto smaller ships. Of course it is expected that the newer updated versions of the HF-III will be smaller and weigh less because of advancements into technologically, but there are some things that cant be minimised.


Junior Member
This is a really good article....sorry its in mandarin. You can use auto translate or something to read it.

F─十六買不買? 軍與府方不同調
2008-09-01 中國時報 【吳明杰/台北報導】



 不過,馬總統在三十日卻表示,台灣希望採購的「七項武器」,美國政府應該會通知國會,完成法定手續,隨後又有府方人士指出,國防部根本沒向美方提出過 F-16C/D戰機採購意向書,這項說法,不僅與軍方說法有極大出入,也形同在這項採購案上「鳴金收兵」,潑了國防部一桶冷水。


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國防大事 怎可和稀泥
2008-09-01 中國時報 【吳明杰/特稿】


 其實,馬總統上任後,除了每周一和國防部長、參謀總長仍舊維持「小軍談」體制之外,每個月還有召集上將召開的「大軍談」,對於涉及預算高達一千五百億的 F-16C/D重大軍購案,軍方沒有理由未曾向總統提報過,而馬英九也不可能沒有過問。在有充分溝通管道下,府方、軍方居然對採購F-16C/D問題一再出現不同調,令人不可思議。截至目前為止,國防部對採購F-16C/D戰機的態度和立場一直很明確,除了公開表示將繼續向美方爭取外,也繼續編列第三年預算,只要軍方有高層官員赴美,就會努力遊說美方同意這項影響台海空防至鉅的軍售案。

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