I disagree. Bingtuan is meant to secure an area with low population and plentiful land. Taiwan is more than a little dense and major lacking in land. How would the bingtuan and normal military garrison differ?
The ROC flag/currency/passport will not be kept. China learned from the HK two systems that clearly it does not work. Anyone who votes DPP can be expected to be on a blacklist for a certain amount of time until de-radicalization is complete.
Full rights means China passport, same ID card, and all legal rights, not the current Travel Document thing. The goal is to calm the fears of the silent majority so they stay passive. The hardcores you can never change so just let them swim to Japan.
Social reunification/integration is soft power. This is also why DPP is so much against it because it works great. To me, it is a no brainer to offer 1,000 full scholarships to Taiwan students to attend the top 5/10 Chinese universities.
Any para/military presence on the island of Taiwan would be invasive. How would you like a total stranger taking over your basement and insists on having meal at the same table every night?
From what I have read here so far, many here still think in terms of a zero-sum take-over and that is sad. If Taiwan is a son living abroad, should the parents hire thugs to abduct the son back home for Spring Festival or say "here are the airline tickets, please come home because we missed you". Which do you think is better? Just read the other threads and feel the contempt for what U.S. has done and you want China to be exactly the same?
Kuwait was carved out of Iraq by the British. Saddam Hussein went into Kuwait to reclaim ancestral Iraqi land. How did he do? Kuwait was part of Iraq for much longer time than Taiwan as part of Chinese Mainland (only from Shi Lang to the Treaty of Shimonoseki).
Reunification must be presented as a win-win situation. Taiwan is a more prosperous and much freer society. Keep the meaning and spirit of the word 'Reunification' in mind, China must offer sufficient incentives. Just like life, when you learn to give a little, you realize you gain a lot more in return.
The reason why the West fears China today is because China has shown it can think big and grand and long term. Using overwhelming military power to suppress and subjugate a small island of peaceful and free people is what an insecure, uncreative, and petty bully would do. This is not a computer game. This is not about winning or losing. This is about China (the Civilization, not CCP) bringing closure to an unpleasant part of her past. China only wins when Taiwan wins. If China can solve the Taiwan problem peacefully, China cements its place as first among equals otherwise it is just an improved iteration of the Soviet Union.
The West dominated the 19th Century because one man, Bismarck, kept Europe in relative PEACE internally. It is difficult to see the person succeeding Xi to be as all-powerful. If Xi wants stand next to Mao and Deng in the CCP Pantheon and I am sure he does, the Taiwan problem must be resolved amicably or else he is another wannabe. Anyone including Trump can invade and take over Taiwan today but only fools would call that a victory because the 'end' is not about the land of Taiwan (or TSM) but the hearts and minds of the people.
Think Beijing Olympics. That is the singular event that woke the West to China's rise. Peaceful resolution of the Taiwan problem will mark the end of the Great Game competition.