You're welcome to put a large wager with a bookmaker on that if war breaks out, but I wouldn't bank on it. If China invades and successfully occupies Taiwan, that significantly changes the military balance of power in the region. That makes things difficult for Japan, South Korea and ASEAN members like the Philippines. The US will be put in a difficult spot for sure, but it won't just automatically decide to sit it out, not least because it would be signalling to the world that China was now the dominant global power and that Washington would never defy Beijing again.
Somehow, I feel like you'll downplay the significance once China
does regain control of Taiwan. That's the pattern with US tough talk. Before it happens, declare it can never be allowed to happen for the ground-breaking horror it would bring. After it happens, whistle and live on. The US once declared that the Philippines can never be allowed to become independent from the US, and it also declared that China can never be allowed to become a nuclear power.
You'd need the US to have the equivalent of Jeremy Cobryn as President (a man who efffectively hates his own country and thinks that all the foreign policy decisions since 1945 were pure evil) to be sure of non-intervention.
Well, such a president will guarantee the survival of his nation, because a decision to fight is a decision to initiate nuclear war-induced MAD, as China has guaranteed will happen if the US attempts to intervene for the ROC. And the US doesn't fight nuclear countries, not even North Korea.
Taiwan is already de-facto independent, so it doesn't need to declare independence. In fact, enough political statements have been made in the last 20+ years that China could easily say was a declaration of independence.
A declaration of independence is a formally signed document that effectively declares a territory a nation. The Revolutionary war wasn't fought over some people rambling of independence and presidents having oral diarrhea on public media don't amount to official policy or the US would be run on Twitter.
If a military confrontation starts, it's likely to be because China has decided that political unification is now impossible.
That's true.
As for a nuclear weapons programme, if Taiwan started that it would probably be because the US had already sold it out to Beijing.
It belongs to Beijing; you cannot sell to someone what is his even if it is currently not in his hands.
What about peaceful coexistance? Taiwan is willing, and there's no reason China can't change course other than the CCP being terrified of the domestic political consequences.
Of course they're willing! What land thief isn't willing to be given the land he's stolen?? Yeah there's a reason China can't change course; we want our property back! This statement shows a ridiculous lack of understanding.
Personally, I don't rule out another Zhao Ziyang type figure becoming President of China in the future and taking the military option out of the equation.
Were we just talking about self-hating presidents? Yeah, if any Chinese president even talks about going that way, before he makes any public announcements, his generals drag him out in the yard and give him 2 in the back of the head. Look at what happened to Zhao Ziyang; you think there will be another one? What a Western dream LOL
Because China has threatened to invade if Taiwan formalises the status-quo in the constitution, and there's no actual reason to call China's bluff on that point. It wouldn't change anything for Taiwan and, even if China didn't invade, the increased loss of face for Beijing would make it even harder to find a long-term political solution that didn't involve Taiwan agreeing to be annexed.
Because there is no such solution; return what is China's or it will be an issue until China takes it back.
Man: I'd love to, but my ex said she'll kill you if we get married, and I believe she'd try it.
Woman: Ok, let's get married in secret and pretend to her you're still single.
What the hell are you talking about? Is that how the US became a country? There is no such thing as a secret declaration of independence. A couple who secretly got married is married; a territory that "secretly" declaring independence is imagining things. Either you do it and go to war to fight for your right to be a country, or you don't have that right. You can't skip the fight and reap the rewards.