A little late to the party, but I am also of the opinion that the M1 deal is a bad idea. Especially now that it has transpired the tanks in question are the basic M1A1s rather than more modern variants.
Basically Taiwan is getting a super heavy tank that is ill suited for their terrain, which is just about on par with the PLA mainstay Type 96 in terms of sensors and electronics, and distinctly inferior to the PLA top dog Type 99.
Worse still, these M1A1s are scheduled to start coming on line after the PLA next gen super heavy Type 99A2 (or whatever its official designation really is), which will pretty much outclass them in every measureable category.
All this deal will do is basically recreate the mismatch in tank power previously with the M60 vs Type 96/99 in the future.
Seems like bad value for a billion dollars.
Yes, extremely bad deal. In addition to the reasons you already stated this deal is no deal because it's expensive. over $1B for 120 used M1A1s?
I understand they come with cup holders, manuals, floor mats and even a spare tire more two
Looking at the current DoD budget sheet you can get a factory bake M1A2 SEP for less than that!
Secondly, according to the article, these tanks won't be fully operational until the mid-late 2020s which at that time the electronics would be outdated and they need to spend even more $$ to upgrade them.
Some politician/lobbyist must be laughing all the way to the bank from this deal.