T50's conventional cone shaped exhaust is not stealthy, hope china doesn't follow


The YF-23 definitely had a curved intake tho, as the engine is somewhat above the plane while the intake is quite a bit below.

The YF-23's intakes weren't perfectly concealed, though one could argue that the PAK-FA's are much less concealed than the YF-23s.


Radar blocks are only part of the problem. The flanker is a massive and unstealthy airframe that has protrusions everywhere.

The reports stated that the YF-23 was actually stealthier than the YF-22.

My opinion is, other than the engine inlets, it's less obvious the structure of the flanker is less stealthier than the F-15, for example. Is the flankers commonly fitted with radar blockers?


My opinion is, other than the engine inlets, it's less obvious the structure of the flanker is less stealthier than the F-15, for example. Is the flankers commonly fitted with radar blockers?


The Su-35BM has very heavily modified intakes (lowest quoted RCS figure I have come across when clean is 1m^2). Lot of surgery had been done. Despite having more powerful engines her top speed had dropped to Mach 2.25 compared the the Mach 2.35 of the older flankers.

J-11B also has modified intakes (lowest figure I have come across is 3m^2)

But whether they have F/A-18E/F, EF-Typhoon style blockers I don't know.


New Member
That doesn't make sense. You mean different form factors for prototype and production model. That would require re-design.

I am just asking about the possibility that the T-50 having a large inlet is because of a different engine being used at this point.

As for re-design, wouldn't that be something common for a prototype? Furthermore, anyone know if the new engine the Russian is developing for the T-50 production version has similar dimensions to that used in the Su-27?

BTW, what does a radar blocker look like? Can someone post some example of existing aircraft using radar blocker? Thanks!


I can imagine having the radar-blockers would affect the engine's overall performance...

That seems to be the case when it come to the F/A-18E/F. From some internet chit-chat the current T-50 does not have the blocker. The current engine cannot cope with it. The blocker will be installed from prototype 3 or 4 IIRC

Maybe that could be part of the reason the YF-23 and X-32 lost out


X-32 lost due to weight issues and having the looks of Monica Lewinsky :D :nana:

YF-23? It had a Lower RCS than the YF-22. It also had lower IR signature. It was also faster than the YF-22 (Both supercruise & in afterburner). And from one documentary I watched the YF-23 was said to be "Much faster" than the YF-22. YF-23 powered by the GE-120 had blasted to a still classified value. Many details of the YF-23 are still classified. The area the YF-22 was superior was low-speed handling. But when it came to supersonic maneuverability its not so clear.

The reason the YF-22 won was because it was a less complicated bird to build and the USAF had more confidence in the LM-Boeing team to deliver the goods on time & budget.

YF-23 did NOT lose because it was technically inferior. In fact it was superior to the YF-22 in BOTH Stealth & Supercruise. The YF-23 also met all the maneuverability (subsonic/supersonic) requirements of the ATF competition

I have heard that ditching YF-23 was one of the dumbest decisions by the USAF. One reason the F-22 Raptor was cancelled after 183 planes is because it had very poor internal air-to-ground capabilities. And guess what! The YF-23 weapons bay was at least theoretically better suited from A-G Munitions. YF-23 had a much deeper weapons bay...


Londo Molari

Junior Member
They went with F-22 because they figured being more conventional in design, it would be far cheaper and have far fewer unforeseen maintenance problems... that did NOT turn out as expected... or maybe it did and F-23 would have been an even bigger maintainence hog O_O


New Member

The Su-35BM has very heavily modified intakes (lowest quoted RCS figure I have come across when clean is 1m^2). Lot of surgery had been done. Despite having more powerful engines her top speed had dropped to Mach 2.25 compared the the Mach 2.35 of the older flankers.

J-11B also has modified intakes (lowest figure I have come across is 3m^2)

But whether they have F/A-18E/F, EF-Typhoon style blockers I don't know.

The Su35BM also uses ferrite cover over the front engine blades to absorb radiation...




Just Hatched
Registered Member
the blades likely a radar blocker. if you look boeing F-36 ,you also notice the radar blocker.the radar blocker and her inlet was coated with RAM,it disperses the incoming RF..
other aircraft such as EF-2000,F-15SE.J-11B and F-18C also fitted with radar blocker.

The info is too weighty for me to digest, I mean technically and mechanically:D but I to me each one is unique