Surface Warfare Thread


Senior Member
VIP Professional

Do you happen to know why the RN chose the Sylver VLS system for the Type 45 over the MK 41? Currently, the MK 41 is much more flexible and can carry alot more ordinance than the Slyver (which is currently limited to Aster Sams).

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional

Do you happen to know why the RN chose the Sylver VLS system for the Type 45 over the MK 41? Currently, the MK 41 is much more flexible and can carry alot more ordinance than the Slyver (which is currently limited to Aster Sams).

I would have gone with the Mk 41 system on grounds of better flexibility and commonality with our US allies. I believe the descision was reached for political reasons, in order to 'cosy up' to our European neighbours. The Navy Brass have kept quiet about this choice because they are glad to get the ships at all. The Sylver system has the potential to be upgraded to carry a wide range of missiles, but unlike the Mk 41 the development work has not been done yet and a lot of money will need to be spent in order to 're-invent the wheel', ie reproduce a capability that is already available off the shelf with the US system. Yet another reason why defence is too important to be left in the hands of mere politicians...:nono: