Well, as long as the people here can make valid arguments here then I can accept everyone as a valuable member of this community even if we share different beliefs,, only if the arguments are valid and logical.
With this new menace we have now (we all know who he is), the problem is that while he has some valid arguments, he is clearly a troll, and often avoids answering logical counter-arguments against his own opinion. That he keeps doing this even after repeatedly getting corrected by other members, leads me to believe that he is just another (slightly more polished) troll
And what makes you think an argument is valid or invalid? You know, I don't like this pussy-footing around, so I'll just come out and say it.
@SleepyStudent might think that his arguments ARE valid? Oh sure, he might try to consciously fool himself into thinking he's 'trolling' but ask yourself. Are you capable of saying such ridiculous things day in and day out if on some level, you don't believe it?
And this isn't a question of valid or logical arguments at all, because validity is subjective and logic is just a tool. You can logically argue ANYTHING, if you proceed from certain assumptions and axioms. If you choose to avail yourself only to certain facts and dismiss others, you can logically argue, for example, that white supremacism is not only morally just, but actually a net benefit to humankind.
Thinking that logical and rational argumentation should carry the day is just leaving a gate in your castle to allow the barbarians to rush in. The Overton Window doesn't care about logical argumentation and rationalism because ultimately human communities and tribalism doesn't care about logical argumentation and rationalism. What is pinning this entire issue isn't how rational a member is or isn't; it's the subconscious tribalism that are driving the assumptions that member makes which underpin his 'logical' argumentation.
I think if we stop to think about a lot of our opinions and long-held positions that we think are arrived at after rational thinking and logic, we'll start to realize that logic and rationality are just covering for the fact that our personal traumas, our cultural backgrounds and other non-rational and non-logical factors are as much responsible for our positions and opinions as 'logic'.