Star Trek Discovery trailer.
Well first It's not the Discovery we see anywhere in the Trailer.
This is the Discovery
The ship seen in The Trailer is the Shenzhou commanded by Michelle Yeoh's Character Captain Georgiou Of note the IMDB shows she will be involved in the Pilot, Episodes 1.2-1.13 this means that the series is divided differently and Episodes are divided into arcs with episode 1 being in 13 parts.
now we know when it is set 10 years before the The second pilot of the TOS, so this is about the same time as the First pilot, it's also the same.... Well the second pilot of the TOS TV series was set in 2263 the JJ movies are set in a alternate timeline 2253. this is supposed to be set in the Prime timeline about the same time as the original pilot. Yet the production design is closer to the JJ verse then Prime right down to the view screen being a see through window. the Uniforms are nothing like the TOS main set yet partially resemble the TOS service uniform and more closely homage the Enterprise set.
The Klingons appear as well yet they are a very different version of the Klingons, leaks have identified the ship in Discovery as a "Sarcophagus ship" and we see a Sarcophagus in the Trailer. Now from Worf in DS9 and TNG that that era's Klingons cared little for corpses, Yet from ST 4 the Voyage home ( The Whale film ) We know that Klingons atleast for a time had Mummification. So it seems likely these maybe another caste of Klingons. This ship could be either a pre modern Klingon cast or a cult or who knows I mean at one time in Klingon history they were invaded by the Hur'q maybe these are Hur'q. They have features of the Klingons though and resemble Piercings Klingon from from Into Darkness.
Such a Hipster Klingon
Poor Yurik! I knew him Horatio!...