The Golden Age of comics came about during WWII ... in some ways as propaganda machines and later fuel in popularity by our boys serving overseas. Real life villains like Hitler/Nazis are often used as templates for comic villains as well. Heck in many comics the Nazis themselves were the antagonists especially in the Marvel universe.
There is really no need for China to 'copy' Superman or have an Asian superman. Not only is the origins story not matched up but China already has many 'superheroes' themselves like the mythical Monkey God etc.
China's 'Hollywood' needs to make a 'Marvel' universe of their own based on these mythical characters. I think it will become very popular just like it is in the US.
Superheroes have always been part of the sci-fi genre, set in the modern age. China's mythological stories are always set in the past, and belong to the fantasy genre.
Where Sci-Fi is more popular than Fantasy in the West, the reverse is true in China. Western Sci-Fi is built upon a solid foundation stretching back almost 200 years to Jules Verne, while sci-fi is still young and unknown in Chinese culture. If you were to uproot mythological characters and put them in a modern setting, most Chinese would not like it. These kinds of things have been done many times before, and aside from some children's stories/cartoons, few serious attempts have been successful.
There's still a long way to go before China's own Sci-Fi culture matures.