The authors were either dishonest or stupid, more likely both, for making this statement:
Would any Canadian be embarrassed if their Ping Pong players were beat in home courts, or anywhere in the world, by Chinese players? Would Canadians cry if their men's soccer team lost to Germany, Spain and France in any tournament?
Well you say that but, yea, Canadians do cry when the men's soccer team loses to any team in any tournament. Its not pretty. Every world cup there's a lot of "well we can field a top hockey team, why can't we field a top soccer team?" in the news.
But actually the purpose China might've not been able to take part was because not enough of China's players played for 2 years in China due to Covid, but it appears the IIHF either waived or the Chinese players were able to find ways to make it count.
The IIHF's presidents' exact words were:
“We are working with the CIHA to confirm their player eligibility according to IIHF rules, and we will continue to assist them as they work towards preparing their team for the Olympic Games,” as per
and although the original Reuters reporting insinuated that the Chinese team might be pulled due to performance, Luc Tardif never actually said that. He just said its not going to be interesting to see a team blown out, and that the IIHF and the Olympic Committee are working to check China's player's eligibility.
This eligibility thing is important because China's running 19 Canadians on their team plus covid.
I originally posted these articles because they're information on who's going to be on China's Hockey teams, and not about this pulling China out or not thing. Thats just a western mainstream media invention. An interesting look, however, at how western media works, where they're inventing things out of two separate issues.