In addition, to be honest, immigration can lead to all sorts of problems. Look at little Africa in Guangdong and the Chinese community in Zambia. There are significant tensions between the immigrant communities and the locals. One can say that the West is making it larger than it actually is, but based on what I have heard from Chinese and Zambian local news outlets and my personal experience in the US, many of the reported problems are most likely true. Now, one can say that China should only allow high level immigrants to come in, but how about their family members and even friends? Nobody wants to see their family in dismal conditions while they live relatively lavishly. I have friends and family who did their best to get their friends and family into the US in the past. This will cause a snowball effect. In short, immigration needs to be severely restricted. China already has a ton of talent and should instead pass policies that would encourage or if needed force people to have kids at a proper age based on income and other variables. In addition, it should welcome foreign students and teach them necessary skills to enrich their home countries and should provide the necessary conditions that benefits both sides (they are already doing this though, so good on them).
Before anyone calls me xenophobic, Im not. Despite being well integrated into US society, I and along with every Asian immigrant and American arent welcomed here and viewed with suspicion. I dont wish this experience upon anybody else.