I'm fine but damn pissed
This is unfortunate and totally unexspected here, it greatly trembles the idea of our small piece of land being somewhat free from these kind of madness.
What is know at the moment is that this 18- year old student entered his school with 22.LR pistol and starts to shoot everyone. He killed the headmaster of the school and 5 boys and 2 girls and then shot himself to the head. He didn't died but is in critical condition and the doctors expects him not to survive.
Yeasterday he posted a film to Youtube where he told about the happenings but naturally none reacted to the stuff and no precaution meassures taken. He was apparently some sort of right-wing extremist and from his "testament" can be read that he was really disturbed.
Things that pisses me of are naturally the whole event but that he was a sportshooter like myself and was only recently given the permission to the murderweapon. In here the gunlaws are quite strict and you need to be part of shootingclub before you can start even planning to purchase a firearms. So why was he given a permission to carry arms?
....Well thats just afterwisdoms, how can you really tell from someone?
This whole thing is just down there....
My condolanzes to the victims families and close ones