I hate the first FC-31 because it looks clumsy and like a toy. Its black paint makes it look like a mess.
Honestly, you are giving me too much credit for being able to distinguishing “western” features vs “eastern” features on a plane. In fact, I don’t even know what defines “western” vs “eastern” features.
And about the engines. To this day, I still don’t know what engines the FC-31 uses. I know it’s not the AL31 series. Exactly what engines? No clue. The J-20 still uses AL31 engines, but I absolutely love the J-20. Why? It looks slick and cool. The F-22 is still my most favorite 5th gen stealth fighter because it looks the coolest. Childish. I know...
My opinion almost solely comes from my view of the esthetics of the plane. I hate it because it looks ugly. Simple as that. It is childish. I know that. I’m not proud of it, but can’t help it.
I know it’s naive and childish to judge a sophisticated machine by its look. But I don’t have the expertise to do it otherwise. I also know that I shouldn’t judge something when I don’t have the expertise to do so. But I am allowed to have my opinions on things. That’s why I always make sure to make it clear in my post that it’s my own opinion and that I don’t ever consider my opinion to be authoritative. Simply my opinion. However childish it may be.
more importantly, you're not a "hater", you state your opinion honestly, and I get that the J-31 looked a little "generic" with that all over flat black,,, I "hate" blacked out Mustangs, Camaro's, Ducati's, blah, blah, blah,, wheels particularly should have a little "bling".
on the other hand, the J-20 while flying nice and looking very nice to most, leaves me a little??? just depends on the day???
The FC-31 is "blinged out" and it does indeed just look right,, I hated that the F-35 was going to supplant the F-22 for probably fairly close to the same price, at 3/4s of the capability aerodynamically and performance wise, but I had to get over it..LOL
No, I'm talking about the folks who have contempt for the F-31, just shows a lack of appreciation for what is likely one of China's potentially more important defense aspects.