Banned Idiot
okay, let's agree on a few things :
1. it is possible that a diverterless intake design can remove boundary layer for any given mach number range it is designed for
2. it is possible that a diverterless intake design can maintain an effective pressure recovery ratio for any given mach number range it is designed for
now if the next argument is airflow mass control, please read this, it's a paper for SAAB stealth fighter project with many details, which also describes how DSI controls mass flow in different mach numbers by bump interaction with inlet cowl
will you agree to the next point that :
3. it is possible that a diverterless intake design can produce an effective mass flow control in any given mach number range it is designed for
In addition, step 97 may comprise reassessing shock positions, cowl plane Mach number, and capture area, and assessing boundary layer thickness and surface pressure gradients; and step 99 may comprise evaluating off-design conditions and augmenting with DHI forebody flow control
here basicly says they have to optimise the intake capture area for a given Mach number, even in Ramjets pressure recovery plays a role, however in the turbofan`s case, they need subsonic speeds so the engine does the further compression of a well determined volumne of air.
Capture area controls the position of the shocks.
To do all this you need variable geometry intakes.
To be honest, i did not find anything on the swedish document that suggest that you can have a DSI for several mach numbers, niether i found in the document you presented you have a single intake for all mach numbers.
To suggest there is a fixed DHI intake that can be used from take off to Mach 5, is something which does not make sense and the documents clearly says they optimise the intake to a given speed.
In my opinion the DHI design is used only from Mach 2.5 to Mach 10, with an optimised mach number where pressure recovey reaches a peak allowing the use of a turbojet up to mach 2.5-2.8 on an independent nacelle and with its own intake
and i see this as a proof The DHI has been computationally proven for at least Mach 3 to Mach 10 applications, The turbojet, ramjet, and scramjet engine applications forthe DHI of the present invention include flight speeds of approximately Mach 2.5 to 10.
the reason i think that is because turbofans have different needs in flow speed, that is around mach 0.5 while ramjet can work with higher speed flows and probably different mass flows, which makes highly contradictory to have an intake that works at Mach 1.5 and also works perfect at mach 6.
By allowing a lower limit of Mach 2.5, the DHI dispenses of a rocket engine and overlaps the performance envelop of a turbojet, leaving room for an aircraft that uses both turbojets and ram engines
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