This does not mean DSI cannot reach or exceed Mach 2.0. Claiming that it is "more effective" does not prove your claim in anyway, especially in light of the fact that the quoted figure of pressure recovery ratio for DSI is higher than the intakes on F-104 and F-4D, both capable of reaching/exceeding Mach 2.0.MiG-31 has a more effective intake for speeds beyond Mach 2,
If you read carefully, it reads "operational radius km at flight at supersonic speed". What is supersonic speed? Supersonic speed means that the airspeed is above Mach 1.0, it doesn't have to mean top speed. In other words, 35-minute is another number which you pulled out from thin air as it has nothing to do with flight duration at top fact if you read what the page says
Боевой радиус действия, км
operational radius km
при полете к на сверхзвуковой скорости 720
at flight at supersonic speed 720km
So its range is around 1420km at a speed of 2500km/hr, that is around 35 minutes flight, however considering landing it might 30 minutes.
This is complete rubbish. MiG-31 needs afterburner for supersonic cruise, where as F-22 doesn't. A more complex inlets cannot allow the MiG-31 to achieve something that fixed inlets on the F-22 can do, and this blows your "MiG-31 inlets are more effective" retort out of the water.This is the closest aircraft to a F-22, however MiG-31 uses afterburner and carries at least 20000kg in fuel.
Масса, кг:
пустого самолета 21820 empty weight 21820
нормальная взлетная 41000 normal take off 41000
максимальная взлетная 46200 max yake off weight 46200
боевая нагрузка - 3000 кг weapons load 3000kg
Try to catch a MiG-31, is a pretty hard thing specially now that it is armed with AA-12 and (R-37) AA-13.
Variable-geometry intake isn't superior to all other types of intakes as you claimed.
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