SD Forum's Quizz of the Week Thread


Junior Member
It is the USS Texas not the Maine, For their Gun Battery arrangement is reverst on the Maine, for the picture is of the Texas.

The Maine/Texas class had a unusual turret arrangement were the fore and aft Gun turret are offset to the ships center line in the opposite directions.


Junior Member
It is the USS Texas not the Maine, For their Gun Battery arrangement is reverst on the Maine, for the picture is of the Texas.

The Maine/Texas class had a unusual turret arrangement were the fore and aft Gun turret are offset to the ships center line in the opposite directions.

very good guess.

correct period, but wrong ship class and wrong nationality. the USS Texas has one instead of two smokestacks i believe.


Senior Member
Was she at least built in Italy for the Chines.

Nope, German.

New ship, identify which one and class: