For and justely for things are more clears and in more i want precised important things
No wrong i would not have posted what I have posted and in large quantities if for a country China in this case i hate or about ! make completely sense !
I don't like mainly Chinese policy especialy foreign etc... in more it is a country more special "isolated " but i have nothing special vs China again less the people and i am not racist BTW i know a Korean in my little city and he is cool.
And Popeye is a Black man he have posted pic in moreaand a great friend.
It is obvipus and i say but very clearly i prefer USA help my country 2 times WWI, WWII during Cold War etc... but it is different a preference which is completely normal.
Maybe some members have the habit especialy with Deino is generous ( ofc also objective just saying ... ) more than me with China i am different but i post neutral for to be objective i think hope to be don't take it for negativism and critic
I have sometimes and i know these Military things since long time some doubts for Chinese Military
and which does not have !
But mainly with few sometimes very few infos/datas i have doubts for by example weapons spefications and it is completely normal in more i do for all countries by ex Russia sometimes because also less infos without solids datas my evaluation is ofc not the best and will be rather down it is logic for me, in more for to be neutral and mainly objective reliable for me the more important.
I would like a little more understanding of the part of the members which don't like too Western countries and me also
mainly better for the forum don't have a gap and we live all in the same planet.
After real life and i hope majority are happy don't have problems sincerely,
possible we disagree with some but it is not the reaility and we are far in distance, languages English especialy
i am sure with some i can if i meet them for true "talking in the street".
I don't want to be pretentious for my post but i think a lot are not aware what i provide BTW since few weeks ofc i provide voluntary less and i have good things even in Chinese i do effort and i do it by great passion since décades ...
And yesterday i have created with plans i hope good a new topic I beg your understanding