SD Forum suggestions and questions

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The Punisher
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Should we also have a dislike button for each post, so that the post gets hidden if there are too many dislikes? (like youtube comments)


Junior Member
I was wondering if there could be an option to turn off defencetalk photos, I like them but the option would be nice. I like to read the forum on my android phone and having tiny, blurry pictures is not all that useful


Lieutenant General
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Should we also have a dislike button for each post, so that the post gets hidden if there are too many dislikes? (like youtube comments)

Or maybe just a rating system?


Has there been a change to the side?
I notice differences and some trouble. When replaying the layout of the "quick reply box" looks different. Also there seems to be some kind of text auto save future. And these new things seem to cause problems. Because when hitting the post reply button I get a weired message asking me if I want to stay or leave the site. But the post doesn't appear. Only after I hit the reload button in the browser do I see the site refreshed. The seems to be a reason why there's so many doubble posts lately. I have also trouble editing my posts, as nothing happens when I hit the "save" button. Other posters have noted that as well, I think.

Anyone else with similar trouble? Or webby with an answer?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Scratch I've made the WebMaster aware of the problems members are experiencing via email. Be patient. He will fix it.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Suggestions

How about a list of posters by the number of likes they have received? Or is there already such a tally?
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