Latvia Bans Russia’s Putin Teleconference
Created: 24.09.2005 16:38 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:40 MSK, 5 hours 37 minutes ago
The city council of the Latvian capital, Riga, has banned a teleconference bridge whereby Russian President Vladimir Putin was to answer questions of Russians living in Riga, RBC news agency reported.
Ugis Vidauskas, a spokesman for the council, said that the proposed television program was inconsistent with the law on the security during public celebrations and entertainments.
The teleconference was to be held on Livu Square in Riga on September 27, at the same time with the all-Russia one, that takes place annually.
Earlier Riga’s authorities said they expected Putin to urge Russians living in Latvia, mostly non-citizens, to integrate into the Latvian society and study the Latvian language. They said the Latvian foreign ministry had respect for President Putin’s desire to speak to Russians living abroad, yet, the ministry finds that the issues of bilateral relations had to be settled by governments, ministries and parliaments.
Only 86,000 of native Russian has received Latvian citizenship sice the collapse of the Soviet Union, while 424,000 live their stripped of basic rights.