Russian Su-57 Aircraft Thread (PAK-FA and IAF FGFA)


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Just a very pretty airframe from almost any aspect, note the significant right rudder and left aileron?? rolling left apparently, very agile bird as well, you will seldom see this much rudder deflection on a modern jet fighter, means she is sloooooowww! but very good low speed maneuverability!
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That picture epitomizes why it is called LEVCOn LEADING EDGE VORTEX ONTROL

Air Force Brat

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That picture epitomizes why it is called LEVCOn LEADING EDGE VORTEX ONTROL

Indeed it does, and I long to see some "blue smoke " from all these birds although these vapor clouds are "telling the truth" as well. I would love to see the J-20 covered up in blue smoke, I understand the T-50 to a certain extent, the LEVCONs do react independently, and in concert with the other control surfaces?

The J-20 on the other hand is a much different animal, and those distant coupled canards take a little more thought? LOL


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of the keypubs forum hassomething interesting to say
i quote.............
Excerpt taken from an official company document from earlier this year:
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Впервые в России разработана технология изготовления цианат- эфирных связующих, обеспечивающих работоспособность композиционных материалов до 200°С. Разработанные связующие и композиты обеспечивают конечным материалам комплекс ценных свойств: теплостойкость, высокие прочностные характеристики, ударостойкость и низкое водопоглощение. Модификация циановых эфиров термопластами позволило значительно повысить их вязкость разрушения с сохранением исходных свойств. Разработанные пластики могут быть длительно использованы при температурах до 170°С...

Материалы на основе разработанных связующих (препреги) использованы в ПАО «Компания «Сухой» для изготовления стекло- и сферопластиков перспективных радиопрозрачных обтекателей; углепластики используются при разработке основных силовых конструкций перспективного многоцелевого истребителя -индийского варианта Т-50,а также при отработке возможности расширения области применения ПКМ в существующих изделиях, с учетом более высокой теплостойкости новых материалов.

For the first time in Russia the technology of manufacturing cyanate-ester binders has been developed, enabling the performance of composite materials up to 200°C. Designed binders and composite materials provide a final set of valuable properties: heat resistance, high strength characteristics, impact resistance and low water absorption. Cyanate esters' modification of thermoplastics greatly improve their fracture toughness while maintaining the original properties. The developed plastics can be used for long periods of time at temperatures up to 170°C...

Materials on the basis of these developed binders (prepregs) are used by JSC Company"Sukhoi" for the manufacture of glass and micro-sphere plastics for the future radome; carbon composites are used in the development of the main high strength structures of the future multipurpose fighter - the Indian version of the T-50, as well as when developing the possibility of expanding the scope of PMC composites in existing products, taking into account the higher heat resistance of the new materials.

Either the wording "Indian variant" is basically a discrete way of saying 'Stage 2 prototypes'...or the differences between the Russian and Indian types is more fundamental than just 'source code'.

@Air Force Brat, what do you think,???????????????

Air Force Brat

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of the keypubs forum hassomething interesting to say
i quote.............
Excerpt taken from an official company document from earlier this year:
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Either the wording "Indian variant" is basically a discrete way of saying 'Stage 2 prototypes'...or the differences between the Russian and Indian types is more fundamental than just 'source code'.

@Air Force Brat, what do you think,???????????????

The Indian FGFA was to have several principal differences from the Russian PAK-FA, number one being a pilot/weapons system operator? something like the F-4, F-14, the idea being that two heads are better than one, and improved avionics/weapons systems?? Now I have never even seen design drawings of the FGFA, which I find a bit odd, since if we were to propose a two seat F-35?? (not gonna happen), but if we did, the first thing we would see would be an artists concept.

The disadvantages of that are weight gain, and lost space?? Using carbon fiber could theoretically reduce weight and RCS, making the FGFA not much heavier than the PAK-FA? and lowering RCS??? (also IMHO not going to happen). The reference to the higher composite content of the load bearing structure of the Indian version is to supposedly offer greater strength, while reducing RCS and weight? always a good sales pitch, and Sukhoi are master salesmen?

At this stage FGFA is way off in the future, and both Indian and Russia are focusing on the -2 version of PAK-FA, principally India coming onboard with "substantial" Capital?? and also a commensurately increased "design direction" and India wants/needs to fly PAK-FA if they are to lay out this kind of MONEY! So the Indians want more "input" and they also want more "access" to all the particulars of -2. The Russian's have historically over-promised, and under-delivered, and the Indians want to make sure they at least have a co-pilots position on where this project goes from here??

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
The Indian FGFA was to have several principal differences from the Russian PAK-FA, number one being a pilot/weapons system operator? something like the F-4, F-14, the idea being that two heads are better than one, and improved avionics/weapons systems?? Now I have never even seen design drawings of the FGFA, which I find a bit odd, since if we were to propose a two seat F-35?? (not gonna happen), but if we did, the first thing we would see would be an artists concept.

The disadvantages of that are weight gain, and lost space?? Using carbon fiber could theoretically reduce weight and RCS, making the FGFA not much heavier than the PAK-FA? and lowering RCS??? (also IMHO not going to happen). The reference to the higher composite content of the load bearing structure of the Indian version is to supposedly offer greater strength, while reducing RCS and weight? always a good sales pitch, and Sukhoi are master salesmen?

At this stage FGFA is way off in the future, and both Indian and Russia are focusing on the -2 version of PAK-FA, principally India coming onboard with "substantial" Capital?? and also a commensurately increased "design direction" and India wants/needs to fly PAK-FA if they are to lay out this kind of MONEY! So the Indians want more "input" and they also want more "access" to all the particulars of -2. The Russian's have historically over-promised, and under-delivered, and the Indians want to make sure they at least have a co-pilots position on where this project goes from here??

to all this I would add that the Pre-Preg carbon composites do offer additional structural strength and integrity, (the bonding agent being incorporated into the carbon fibre material, creating a more "homogenous" structure), and could? offer some reduction of RCS in the primary structure? I would love to see some design concepts, for instance is India thinking SU-34??? side by side seating? or J-15S tandem seating for the additional flight crew member, both have advantages and disadvantages, I myself find the SU-34 to be much heavier and less maneuverable, and favor the more "fighter" tandem seating.


The Indian FGFA was to have several principal differences from the Russian PAK-FA, number one being a pilot/weapons system operator? something like the F-4, F-14, the idea being that two heads are better than one, and improved avionics/weapons systems?? Now I have never even seen design drawings of the FGFA, which I find a bit odd, since if we were to propose a two seat F-35?? (not gonna happen), but if we did, the first thing we would see would be an artists concept.

The disadvantages of that are weight gain, and lost space?? Using carbon fiber could theoretically reduce weight and RCS, making the FGFA not much heavier than the PAK-FA? and lowering RCS??? (also IMHO not going to happen).

they did say that they had created a priliminary design of the 2 seater ,
as had been posted in this thread. (not the pic, but the news)

if the 2 seater exists , we will know in December.

for the 2 pilot theory,
Weapons Systems Operator, in WVR combat is a great advantage, with Helmet (with a boresight of 60- 90 degrees) cued missile like the R74
in fact i believe one of the reasons why the MKI held its own against the Typhoon in recent exercises is the WSO.(extra pilot)


Russia’s Sukhoi T-50 fifth generation prototype fighter jets will enter into service with the Russian Armed Force in 2017, Russian Air and Space Forces Commander Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev told reporters Saturday.

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AKHTUBINSK (Astrakhan Region)(Sputnik) — The T-50 is currently undergoing flight tests that have so far been successful, Bondarev said. Previous reports stated that the aircraft would enter into service in 2016.

“Under the program, we will finish testing next year and will begin to receive the T-50 jets in 2017," Bondarev said.

According to Bondarev, the aircraft fully meets the requirements.

The T-50 prototype aircraft is designed by the Russian Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer for the PAK FA, a fifth-generation fighter program of the Russian Air Force.

The fighter jet is expected to become the first operational stealth aircraft for the Russian Air Force and will incorporate advanced avionics and all-digital flight systems.

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Indeed it does, and I long to see some "blue smoke " from all these birds although these vapor clouds are "telling the truth" as well. I would love to see the J-20 covered up in blue smoke, I understand the T-50 to a certain extent, the LEVCONs do react independently, and in concert with the other control surfaces?

The J-20 on the other hand is a much different animal, and those distant coupled canards take a little more thought? LOL
Your questions can not be answered, first because you need data from Russia that compares MiG1.44, S-37 and T-50 aerodynamically and second because in this forum you can not compare aircraft due to the chest dumping it provokes.

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Just enjoy how the vortices are controlled by the LEVCON
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The picture above shows how the flexing of the LEVCON keep the vortex near the wing
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