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How the economic fallout of the invasion of Ukraine influences and possibly prevents Russia's naval modernization
The neglect of the Pacific Fleet is no accident. Russian Navy needs to scale back it's ambitions. It can't have an offensive blue water navy, a top tier ground force and a top tier air force in 5 different theaters (Europe, Arctic, Central Asia, East Asia, Middle East) while maintaining it's other responsibilities as a state.
Russia already spends more than the US in defense as %GDP. But one thing to note is that Russian infrastructure is much more expensive than it needs to be because like the US it is spread out.
But unlike the US, it will have infrastructure problems due to global warming since much of their infrastructure was built on ice.
Russia has to decide what to focus on. It has to decide what to give up and what to keep otherwise it will just get degraded everything.
Pacific Fleet was the least important for Russian core interests (protecting European and Arctic Russia) since Russian Far East is extremely remote and inaccessible.
Going forward I think Russia really should shelve the Lider class and just focus on being a small, defensive European style navy and focus forces in the Arctic.