About time.
NATO has been making Ukraine to be to Russia what Taiwan is to China. Putin will 100% not tolerate this and will take action
Only thing that should worry Eastern Ukrainian separatist forces is the Turkish drones and the anti-tank Javelin systems that the Ukrainian armed forces have been given
Nothing in Ukraine that can be interesting for Russia.
They don't need any part of the Ukrainan industry now, the gas transport capacity of it is redundant, all that russia wants is guarantee about the absence of any USA military system in the country.
Beyond that the Ukrainans can conduct any politics/trade that they wish.
And the Nord Stream II is not part of the equation, in the past 4 years the Russian LNG export increased to 50-60 bcm/year, to the level of the capacity of the NSII, and there is two-threefold increase expected in ten years.
The Yamal supply the NSII, and the LNG as well, means there is not so much capacity left to feed the Ukrainan gas export network.
Russia has 8 new nuclear icebreaker finished and in various stages of manufacturing, main job of them to support the LNG development/export projects.
All of this means the Ukrainan country/goverment will miss 4 billion USD of yearly income, equivalent of the 3% of GPD, and 5-6% of goverment income.
Hence the hyperventilation from Kiev and Washington about the NSII, they see the writing on the wall about the billions per year new financial request from Ukraine.
And Russia just doesn't care, even about the NSII, if the german doesn't want it then they will be happy to sell the LNG to them for two times much than the pipe gas.