Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member

Russia just can’t seem to get it right!

The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them like a Solomon the Wise
"If you please, Reb Tevye..."
"Pardon me, Reb Tevye..."
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes!
And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong
When you're rich, they think you really know!


Registered Member
Your Anglo card holds no water here, girl. None!
On to the list you go; bye, bye!

That you sound like the typical gringo TheWarZone commenter whenever it is about Russia is quite obvious, mate. Hardly a mischaraterization of you.

I doubt you'd take it well if it was a gringo making the exact same comments as you do but about chinese equipment.