First real footage of Tsirkon? Not that it is terribly revealing if true, and it's possible that Oniks is shown at least in the launch close-up.
However, I would caution that the X-51ski configuration commonly associated with Tsirkon in the press may well be speculative, so the fact that it doesn't look like that doesn't necessarily indicate we're seeing something else. Further, an intake cover with tip-over thrusters makes sense in a VLS-launched hypersonic airbreather for all the same reasons why it is present on Oniks - doesn't mean it's actually an Oniks.
Notably, the missile does not tilt over through 90° after launch like Oniks typically does - this makes sense for a missile claimed to have traveled at Mach 8 out to 450km (you're not going to do either, let alone in combination, in sea-level air). Then again, Oniks obviously can fly high-altitude profiles as well... this is shaping up to be a bit of a 53T6 tease story

Hope it doesn't take 30 years before we get clear close-up photos!
Another report additionally gives an altitude of 28km and a flight time of 4.5 minutes. That works out to an average of 1.67km/s or Mach 5.7 at that height on a cold day - the peak speed would obviously be greater than this, so something approaching Mach 8 is at least within the realm of credibility.