Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
This is what I got out of it with online translation (slightly edited by me for grammar and words that didn't get translated)... a decent one, I'd say. I skipped the introduction and focused on the area talking about Taiwan. My notes are in red.


The further existence of Taiwan as de facto independent state becomes intolerant for Beijing. China cannot apply for a role of a superstate if it is not capable to restore the sovereignty above a small rebellious province.

The peaceful unification of the island state, certainly, is more favourable to the Peoples Republic of China. It will instantly provide significant economic, financial, technological, and military power to to China, as well as growth in international prestige.

The plan of nonviolent actions concerning Taiwan is realized by Beijing in several directions. First, as "bait" the principle " one country - two systems ", with success used in case of with Hong Kong is kept. The PRC promises to apply it to Taiwan. Secondly, the Communist Party of China actively influences politics on island the island via the KMT (Taiwan's current opposition party, China-leaning). The KMT historically has considered itself the legitimate authority for "all China" and opposes independence for Taiwan. Certainly, today the KMT does not have opportunity to carry this out, but at the least it aspires to return to holding the reins of government in Taipei.

China uses a financial resource-propaganda of a handheld computer, but simultaneously turns to "the fifth column" Beijing on island. In particular, deputies from KMT in the Taiwan parliament have blocked arms sales from the United States for quite some time.

Thirdly, the Peoples Republic of China several years ago has opened access to its economy, including capital from the ROC. Taiwan's investments in the various enterprises of continental China have exceeded 100 billion dollars and has made the majority of the largest businessmen of the island hostages of policy of Beijing. Taiwan economically is actually already an integral part of the Peoples Republic of China. Over 70% of all investments and almost 40% of export of island business go here; more than 50% of the hi-tech Taiwanese goods are really made in "Communist" China.

Until recently, the People's liberation army of China had no opportunity for capture of Taiwan since its military - though possessing significant quantitative superiority - was inferior on almost on all quality indicators. But the technological gap has closed, and even the out-of-date equipment still gives the PRC an overwhelming advantage ("effect of weight" taking up defensive resources)

China has reached the absolute superiority in a class of heavy fighters and fighters-bombers: it now has almost three hundred J-11s and J-12s (Su-27 and Su-30). China has modern fighters such as the J-10 and new updates for machines of an older generation - up to 1000 J-7s and J-8s. In resistance, Taiwan can field fighters such as the F-16, "Мirage-2000" and "IDF" (all adding up to the little more than 300 units). If older aircraft are considered then the superiority of the PRC over Taiwan is more than tenfold. Beijing has reached a significant advantage regarding modern diesel submarines (12 constructed in Russia in 1998-2006 of submarines of projects 877 and 636). And on the general number of submarines the PLAN surpasses ROCN 15 times.

Taipei for today has no equivalent to the Russian-built Chinese destroyers of the project 956 and means of protection from "Mosquito" with which they are armed. Until recently a weak place of Navies China was antiaircraft defense, however a situation has changed, after the construction of two destroyers of the project 052С, armed ЗРК "Reef" (sea variant С-300).

At the same time the parliament of Taiwan blocks purchase in USA ЭМ of type "Arleigh Burke" with system "Aegis", i.e. here again China has the advantage. As a whole China surpasses Taiwan by 3 times in destroyers, in 2 times - in quantity of frigates, in 5 times - the quantity of fighting boats (including in 1.5 times - on rocket boats). Sharply increasing landing opportunities for China (both on the sea, and in air).

At the same time China has many more resources than the island state; it can buy and develop technology and much faster rates. In addition to the forementioned weaponary, the PRC has hundreds of operational tactical missiles aimed at Taiwan which can practically destroy the military and civil infrastructure of the island without reprisal. Without the help of Washington the situation becomes more and more problematic for Taipei.

10 years ago the USA was theoretically capable of providing protection or Taiwan against China at a nearly loss-free rate. Certain both today and in the near future, the American naval and air forces can prevent the PRC from invading the island, but with inevitable heavy losses. Thus the probability of armed participation on the part of the USA is sharpy reduced, and in view of the Iraq fiasco and problems aggravated in connection with it, claims of easy military success will be viewed skeptically and illusionary. If the management and population of Taiwan is convinced that Washington is not prepared to support the island militarily in an invasion, then capitulation from Taipei in front of Beijing even before physical battles is almost inevitable.

It is possible to assume that the critical period will be the autumn of 2008. The PRC will try to lead the Olympic Games in Beijing in all aspects, in which China will try to assume the new image of a new superstate. Then the presidential elections in the USA in which the present Republican administration will very likely be defeated (a reason for this would be overly aggressive foreign policy), and in general, war tends to be inconvenient for elections, especially one with China.

This would be the ideal situation for Beijing to present Taipei with an ultimatum demanding immediate unification. The probability is very high that it will be "one that is impossible to refuse". China will develop full-scale information-psychological warfare against the island, combining intimidation with the intrusion of missiles hitting it, and a full sea and air blockade. (This is a serious threat, considering Taiwan's high dependence on imports - in particular, on foodstuffs 90% and oil 100%) Taiwan will also be wooed with the advertising appeal of a new economic, political, military, and sports superstate. It is quite probable by that moment the KMT will control both the executive and legislative branch on the island, thus increasing the chances of capitulation.

That's all the time I have for now, so far it doesn't really say anything I didn't already know...


Banned Idiot
It get's more interesting later, although the translation is pretty close, nothing beats the real thing! I found the translation tool (which left a lot to be desired ) and the rest of it in post #2!
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Lieutenant General
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I found this article today.
Interesting on BMD, the Russian's BMD is definitely something that China should work toward matching.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- A state-of-the-art Voronezh meter-band radar
entered trial combat duty at Lekhtusi in the Leningrad Region on Friday. The
importance of the event is plain to everyone.
The new radar is a key part of Russia's early warning system, although some
liken it to the country's all-seeing space eye.
The new facility will reintegrate the national early-warning system in the
northwestern sector, disrupted seven years ago by the phasing out of the
Russian station near Skrunda, Latvia.
But the Lekhtusi radar is not just another addition to the system. It
represents an entirely new and more advanced generation of Russian radars. It
takes less time and effort to build than its predecessors and for this reason
is called a station with a high degree of prefabrication. This means that all
its elements are pre-packaged in containers at its place of manufacture to be
later re-assembled and readied for operation on site.
The result is that while earlier facilities took five to 10 years to build, the
Voronezh facility required just eighteen months. Only a year ago, there was
just a small amount of radio-electronic equipment at Lekhtusi, and the antenna
was only one-third complete. Tests were just beginning. Now all components of
the station are fully deployed, information exchanges are well established, and
the crews of the radio engineering center are practically on trial combat duty.
The new radar also has better operating characteristics. For example, it
consumes one-third as much electric power as the Dnepr radar and one-seventh as
much as the Daryal. Compared with other stations, Voronezh is run by fewer
staff. On the whole, it cuts maintenance and operating costs by 40 percent.
Moreover, the facility at Lekhtusi is able to adapt quickly to new conditions
by changing only some of its equipment modules. Depending on the situation, the
radar can either detect intercontinental warheads or monitor intermediate- and
short-range missile launches. No fundamental or long-term realignment is
Its environmental standards have also been improved: the intensity of the
electromagnetic field around it is much lower than the allowed maximum.
A similar station, only in the decimeter band, is going up near Armavir. It is
scheduled to enter service next year, ending Russia's dependence on its radars
located abroad, particularly the Daryal facility in Azerbaijan and two Dnepr
stations in Ukraine. It is also worth mentioning that nine new Lira-T radars
have been built in the Far East.
"We will do all we can to ensure that our early-warning system functions under
all conditions and our radar coverage has no gaps in any strategic sector of
the air or space," Ivanov said during his recent visit to Lekhtusi. He was not
being glib.


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well, the Russians exporters just can't get on the Americans' good grace.
By Halia Pavliva
Jan. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. imposed economic sanctions
on three Russian arms exporting companies, including state-owned
Rosoboronexport, to restrict arms supplies to countries such as
Iran and Syria, the Washington Times reported on its Web site.
The two-year sanctions were imposed on Russia's Kolomna
Design Bureau and the Tula Design Bureau of Instrument Building,
the newspaper reported, citing unidentified administration
officials. The U.S. also imposed sanctions on some Chinese and
North Korean arms exporters, it said.
Last month, Sergei Chemezov, head of Rosoboronexport, was
appointed to the leadership council of the pro-Kremlin political
party United Russia, to lobby for state policies supporting the
defense industry, the company said in a statement on Dec. 2.
Rosoboronexport signed agreements to sell weapons to Syria
in May 2005 worth $9.7 billion, the Washington Times said.
Russia sells arms to countries including Venezuela, China,
India, Thailand and Malaysia.


Banned Idiot
Re: Russia resumes production of Ka-50 helicopters

Russia resumes production of legendary Black Shark helicopters
01.02.2007 Source: URL:
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Production of the
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helicopters has been recommenced in Russia’s Far East. In the late 1990s when Russia experienced a default, the production was suspended as finance appropriated for armament was not enough at that time. Now, ‘Black Shark’ is ready for serial production again. Soon after it begins, assembly of the Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ is to be started at the Progress enterprise in the town of Arsenyev, Russia’s Far East.
Aircraft assembly fitter of the Kamov enterprise Vladimir Plotnikov first came to it forty years ago when production of Mi-24, that day’s most modern helicopter was launched there. Production of ‘Black Shark’ was just started in the mid-1990s but a long crisis forced workers of the enterprise search for a new employment.
Now, Vladimir Plotnikov is back to the enterprise and ready to start assembly of ‘Black Shark’ helicopters. He says Kamov workers are eager to work and hope that this new work will secure good life to them and their families.
Kamov Chief Designer Sergey Mikheyev is also enthusiastic about recommencement of the production. The first helicopter ‘Black Shark’ is ready for tests. In the nearest time, the Russian Army will be able to adopt a series of ‘Black Sharks’. After that, an export variant of the helicopter will be made at the enterprise for foreign partners. Sergey Mikheyev says that Russian helicopters have gained the advantage over those of other countries.
Placement of the Defense Ministry’s order at the enterprise Progress in the town of Arsenyev has breathed new life into the place. Bankers open new banks there, and the whole of the town hopes that steady production at Progress will change the life of citizens for the better. Civil production has been already started at the enterprise. The first batch of sporting airplanes Yak-54 is being assembled there.


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I've read that despite these impressive advantages-
The KA-50 features unique maneuvrability and operating characteristics due to the contra-rotating co-axial rotors. The coaxial counter-rotating rotor system negates the need for a tail rotor and its drive system. Because of this, this aircraft is unaffected by wind strength and direction, has an unlimited hovering turn rate, and gives a smaller profile and acoustic signature, while allowing a 10-15% greater power margin. The
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is fully aerobatic. It can perform loops, roll, and the funnel, where the aircraft will maintain a concentrated point of fire while flying circles of varying altitude, elevation, and airspeed around the target. ..The coaxial rotor design provides a hovering ceiling of 4,000 metres and vertical rate of climb of 10 metres per second at an altitude of 2,500 metres. The rotor blades are made from polymer materials. The hingeless main rotor head requires no lubrication.
The coaxial-rotor configuration results in moments of inertia values relative to vertical and lateral axes being between 1.5 to 2 times less than the values found in conventionally designed combat single rotor helicopters with tailrotors. Absence of the tail rotor enables the helicopter to perform flat turns within the entire flight speed range. A maximum vertical g-load of 3.5 combined with low moments of inertia give the
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a high level of agility and manoeuverability.
,- but those coaxial, contrarotating, three-blade main rotors may hit each other under enemy fire- how reliable is this concept for an attack helo?
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Those rotors are still rather far apart, and interfering each other under fire should be a minor problem. The biggest disadvantage of coaxial rotors is the complexity of the system, maintanance is also rather complicated.
But as said these helicopters offer great manueverability. They eliminate the dissymmetry of lift and don't have to wast power for the tail-rotor. Without the tail-rotor the design is more compact, and creates less noise since the main rotor downwind doesn't interfere with the tail-rotor wind.
On the other hand, those designs have a lower cruising speed because two rotors have more drag. That can be lowered by putting them closer together, wich in turn requires rigid rotors.
A unique thing is the ejection seat in that helicopter.

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
Russia's looking to give a lot of weapons to India:

From the joint development of a new 'hypersonic' BrahMos cruise missile to an almost-clinched agreement for the fifth-generation stealth fighter, India and Russia are now poised to take their already robust defence relationship to an altogether new level.

The exact contours of the agreement for the G-5 fighter project, which may require India to invest around Rs 5,000 crore, and the specifications for the hypersonic BrahMos, which will fly over five times the speed of sound, will be thrashed out in the near future.

But the two countries went ahead on Wednesday and signed a protocol for the joint development of the 100-seater multi-role transport aircraft (MTA) and a contract for the licensed production of RD-33 engines for MiG-29s at Nasik in India.

Moreover, India also decided to procure 347 more T-90S main-battle tanks, 40 more Sukhoi-30MKI 'air dominance'fighters and 80 more Mi-17 medium-lift utility and assault helicopters from Russia.

That's not all. During the sixth meeting of the bilateral Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation on Wednesday, chaired by defence minister A K Antony and his Russian counterpart Sergei Ivanov, Moscow also made a strong pitch for its MiG-35 to bag the IAF's $6.5 billion contract to buy 126 multi-role combat aircraft.

Well, the Russians will have to face stiff competition in this contract from the Americans (F-16 and F/A-18), French (Rafale), Swedes (JAS-39 Gripen) and the European Consortium, which makes Typhoon.

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Russia is set to unroll its new high-altitude light helicopter gunships and has offered its co-development to India as a package deal, which could also forsee cooperation in building 10-tonne-class choppers.

The offer comes as the country is also ready to unveil its new Kamaov-60 and next generation 10-tonne-class MI helicopters, which can be used as heavy lift troop carriers.

"We know Indian Air Force's urgent requirements for 10-ton-class helicopters and we have conveyed our readiness for joint development through the establishment of a joint holding company," Givi Dzhandzhgava, director general of the Ramenskoi Design company, told PTI.

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There is a lot of co-operation going in the military sphere between Russia and India. It's amazing few in the West are taking notice of it.


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Putin, Wladimir W
Speech at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy
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Highlights from Putin's Speech:

-Together with the United States of America we agreed to reduce our nuclear strategic missile capabilities to up to 1700-2000 nuclear warheads by 31 December 2012...And if today the new American Defence Minister declares that the United States will not hide these superfluous weapons in warehouse or, as one might say, under a pillow or under the blanket...

-In connection with this I would like to recall that in the 1980s the USSR and the United States signed an agreement on destroying a whole range of small- and medium-range missiles but... Today many other countries have these missiles, including the Democratic People抯 Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan and Israel... And only the United States and Russia bear the responsibility to not create such weapons systems.

-At the same time, it is impossible to sanction the appearance of new, destabilising high-tech weapons. Needless to say it refers to measures to prevent a new area of confrontation, especially in outer space. Star wars is no longer a fantasy ?it is a reality. In the middle of the 1980s our American partners were already able to intercept their own satellite.

-In Russia抯 opinion, the militarisation of outer space could have unpredictable consequences for the international community, and provoke nothing less than the beginning of a nuclear era.

-Plans to expand certain elements of the anti-missile defence system to Europe cannot help but disturb us...Missile weapons with a range of about five to eight thousand kilometres that really pose a threat to Europe do not exist in any of the so-called problem countries... And any hypothetical launch of, for example, a North Korean rocket to American territory through western Europe obviously contradicts the laws of ballistics. As we say in Russia, it would be like using the right hand to reach the left ear.

-NATO countries openly declared that they will not ratify this treaty ['no space war race'], including the provisions on flank restrictions (on deploying a certain number of armed forces in the flank zones), until Russia removed its military bases from Georgia and Moldova.

-The latest initiatives put forward by American President George W. Bush are in conformity with the Russian proposals. I consider that Russia and the USA are objectively and equally interested in strengthening the regime of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their deployment.
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