Senior Member
JMR and FVL are looking to a fairly reasonable speed set 400-500 KPH this is looking to beyond that. Which is problematic as if it is supposed to max speed at 700KPH...
In this case they flew away....
760kph is about the speed of sound, unlike the speed of light the speed of sound does vary based on local atmospheric pressure, humidity and such. At 700KPH this thing would be flyingwith super sonic rotors. That's not good for a helicopter. The blades at near supersonic speed take on drag and vibration it creates a dissimilar lift situation and the aircraft looses control.
A coaxial and wings can off load some of the weight of the aircraft allowing more lift and a reduced speed of rotation but at 700KPH So close to the speed of sound it would have to disable the rotor entirely and basically store it. That's what KA90 and the Boeing X50 were looking into.
Yet just as unlikely to come to be realized. But also big difference in that these show a conventional coaxial rotor system. The KA90 was a Conard rotor Wing.
KA92 was practical though and far more likely to be suited to Russian military service. A coaxial compound with pusher like the Raider and Defiant.
I am optimistic about the Russians, I believe they will come out on top with pursuing their ambitions. Anything can be achieved, when one has the will and drive to do so.