So I was cruising around the interwebs when I saw something interesting.

This is a concept from UralVagonZavod The main Russian tank builder.
I am doubting this is more than a mock up at this point in time but the goal should be clear, a Hydroplaning Amphibious combat vehicle, Like the USMC's Aborted Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle or the PLAMC ZDB series IFV's
Like the EFV and ZBD the concept includes a turret with an auto cannon and based on this slide a number of possible variants. I don't read Russian but based on the Imagery Upper left looks like an IFV version for personal, lower looks like a Amphibious tank a replacement for the PT76 and the Chinese ZTD series. upper and lower center look like C2 or Recon or both with the center being the base hull APC. upper Right looks like a recovery vehicle configuration. Lower right looks like a SHORAD.
Pump jets, Armata style crew cabin, passenger size is larger then the PLAMC 10 men but not as large as EFV 17 men.
5 Road wheel track, mid engine configuration and I am about to cover the turret. From comments I have seen it seems to be 37kph sea speed 75 kph land 300km ground range 100 km sea weight 35 tons which is about the same as the EFV.
Turret options thus far most of the Graphics favor the BM-57 a modification of the S60 57mm gun. The Russians are now claiming that they system has guided missile rounds. other options here upper left BMP3 lower 2 are variations of the 14.5mm Heavy MG a poor man's autocannon able to penitrate the sides of most IFV's left also has ATGMS upper right is a more traditional IFV 30mm cannon with ATGM.
Of course at this point this is Vaporware. Russian Naval Infantry ( Marines) have a different Doctrine then the EFV or PLA these days there main Amphibious Assault ships are LSD and LST but with at the beach drop where the ship's bow opens and a ramp drops the vehicles then "wade" Ashore. this if implemented would actually swim.