с удовольствием, дружище!спасибо Вам, товарищ политический руководитель!
с удовольствием, дружище!спасибо Вам, товарищ политический руководитель!
Naval parade the 30 the Typhoon AMAZING !
earlier today I somewhere called her 50k whale
didn't know had already arrived:... the Peter the Great and
are on their way down to the Russian Navy Day (which comes on the 30th this year) in ...
Presidential Decree Calls for More Cruise Missiles and Balanced Fleet for Russian Navy
Long-range precision-guided sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs) will be the main armament of the Russian Navy’s surface ships and submarines until 2025. This is stated in Presidential Decree No. 327 "On the approval of the Fundamentals of the Russian Federation’s state policy in the field of naval activities for the period until 2030," published on the official legal information website on July 20, 2017.
ooh la la
"... low speed “Pugachev’s Cobra” transitioning to a tumbling back flip followed by a side-slip to an inverted spin and then a classic recovery gained by pointing the aircraft’s nose to the ground to regain lost energy in exchange for altitude. The entire sequence is flown at altitude that presumably lives little margin for error, making it even more thrilling."
starts around:
ooh la la
"... low speed “Pugachev’s Cobra” transitioning to a tumbling back flip followed by a side-slip to an inverted spin and then a classic recovery gained by pointing the aircraft’s nose to the ground to regain lost energy in exchange for altitude. The entire sequence is flown at altitude that presumably lives little margin for error, making it even more thrilling."
starts around: