Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Moreover, the 'Zubr' is invisible to radar stations. This effect was achieved due to the fact that during movement, the ship sails on a giant cloud of water spray, which "dithers" its contours on radar screens.

What. o_O

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Moreover, the 'Zubr' is invisible to radar stations. This effect was achieved due to the fact that during movement, the ship sails on a giant cloud of water spray, which "dithers" its contours on radar screens.

Well then.. I'd guess that an USN LCAC is also invisible to radar...Trust me..this is news to me..;):rolleyes:


Lieutenant General
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On June 16, 2017 the Air and Space Defense Forces
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of an interceptor of the Moscow missile defense system. The test took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. It was supported by crews of the test site (Strategic Rocket Forces) and industry representatives. According to the official statements, the test was carried out as part of a work on improving Russia's missile defense system.

The "improvement of Russia's missile defense" language is new - in previous tests the goal of the test was stated as "confirmation of technical characteristics of the interceptors" (the most recent test took place
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). This may suggest that this time the interceptor is a bit different. It's quite possible that it is an upgrade of the 53T6/Gazelle missile. A completely new interceptor seems unlikely - the video shows that it uses the same container, so it's probably not that different from the 53T6 (but, of course, we cannot see the missile).

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Russia’s army orders Terminator fire support combat vehicles

The Russian Defence Forces has signed a contract with UralVagonZavod company for the purchase of an undisclosed number of Terminator fire support combat vehicles.

That was reported by Russian military expert Alexey Khlopotov in his
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The BMPT “Terminator” is a post-Cold war armored fighting vehicle (AFV), designed and manufactured by the Russian company Uralvagonzavod. This vehicle was designed for supporting tanks and other AFVs in urban areas. The armored fighting vehicle is unofficially named the “Terminator” by the manufacturers. It is heavily armed and armored to survive in urban combat.

The Terminator has a turret with externally mounted armament. It is fitted with two 30-mm cannons, two remotely controlled AGS-17D or AGS-30 30-mm automatic grenade launchers, four Ataka-T anti-tank missile launchers and one coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun. The 30-mm cannons have a dual-fed system and can fire a wide range of ammunition, including HE-T, APDS, HE-FRAG and AP-T rounds.

The Ataka-T missiles can be fitted with tandem HEAT, HE-FRAG or thermobaric warheads. The Ataka-T has a maximum range of 5 km. Vehicle can engage three targets at the same time, as each weapon is aimed separately.

As of late 2016, the only operator of the BMPT Terminator fire support combat vehicles was Kazakhstan. 10 Terminator units were ordered in 2010 and delivered by Russia from 2011 to 2013. Three of these vehicles were showcased for the first time during the 2011 Constitution Day parade.

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according to Breaking News at right now (
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), NATO aircraft flew around the Russian aircraft with General of the Army
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on board recently twice, over the Baltics (on his way to and from
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I presume)

EDIT from the related photo-gallery
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: reportedly a Flanker is shooing off an F-16

now found the vid
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