related is this viewfound seconds ago, looks like a quite interesting Blackjack video Published on Feb 8, 2017...
which I found insideThe French Air Force released these pictures taken yesterday of one of its Mirage jets escorting the bombers. The bomber is believed to be named after Nikolai Kutnetsov, a famous Soviet aircraft engineer, 10 February 2017 • 2:57pm
Ministry of Defence denies Britain's entire fleet of attack submarines are 'out of action'
of course the RN demurred ... it would've been more interesting, though, to hear the names of "operational, capable and ready attack submarines"
and now a source told Интерфакс "Zircon" will be test-fired off of an unidentified ship in spring of 2017, and sources told Интерфакс the range of "Zircon" is about 500 km, speed in Mach five to six range:Mar 23, 2016
so is this multistage hypersonic missile (just a patent though LOL):
(in the end, only #18 ('hitting module') would go on towards the target:
etc. etc.)
Nov 29, 2016
and now a source told Интерфакс "Zircon" will be test-fired off of an unidentified ship in spring of 2017, and sources told Интерфакс the range of "Zircon" is about 500 km, speed in Mach five to six range:
I guess readers are expected to say: Wow
There will be a need for single engine point defense aircraft.
The famous design bureau is betting on its extensive experience, brand awareness, and the fact that, according to Sergey Korotkov, “the global market for this jet fighter is quite large”. MiG has decided to follow the same path that its main Russian competitor Sukhoi followed in the 1990s. This path involves reorientation to global markets and attracting foreign financing for building new aircraft. The difference is that Sukhoi took to this path during booming development, inherited from the Soviet era, while MiG perforce took this path at a stage when it has no defence contracts.
you said Wow, so you're a Russian fanboi, any other nation's fanboi should say 'meh, we could build even a faster one', and both fanbois would be thumping their chests based on the newspaper article for fanboisWow MAN!, how's that??
Confirm article i have read mach 4,5 - 6 mach 4 for hace a better range at less 500 kms for in first Petr Velikiy, about 2022 in service normaly... after Nakhimov, futur Leaders etc...Wow MAN!, how's that??
The Kh-90 Meteorit (Russian: "Х-90 Метеорит") are a family of Soviet cruise missiles that were supposed to replace the intermediate-range ballistic missiles available in the Soviet inventory.
According to the limited information available on this ultra-secret project, the development of three versions of this cruise missile was authorized on 9 December 1976.1 The strategic version Meterorit-M should have been deployed from the project's submarines 667M (NATO code: Yankee class) 1, with 12 launchers per building. The airborne version Meteorit-A, designated by NATO AS-19 "Koala", was reportedly launched by the Tupoklev Tu-95MS, Tu-95MS6 or Tu-95MS161 bombers. T
The land based version was designated Meteorit-N, designated by NATO SS-N-24 "Scorpion". The missile was also sometimes referred to as the Grom code name. The first test shooting, carried out on May 20, 1980, was a failure, like the other three that followed. The first successful shot did not take place until 16 December 1981. The first launch from a submarine [Which?] Was carried out on 26 December 1983 from the Barents Sea.
However, the entire program was canceled following the ratification of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed in agreement with the United States Government on 8 December 1987. It was designed by engineer Vladimir Chelomei, OAO Machinostroïenia, and was originally designated "SSC-X-5 GLCM" by the US Department of Defense (DoD).
The design of this missile was an extremely ambitious project, as the aim of this project was to build a hypersonic missile. It had to fly at a speed between Mach 2.5 and 3.0 at an altitude of 20 000 m, range of 3 000 km.
It was equipped with a nuclear warhead of 1 MT and its guidance was assured by an inertial platform, assisted by updates by a data link1.