DDG Project Lider 23560
The development of the technical project of the future destroyer would have started with the aim to make the cut shell of the seed unit early in 2018.
According to OSK, the Russian shipbuilding consortium, cutting the hull of the future destroyer intervene early 2018. The design office Severnoe (St. Petersburg) have started work on the technical design of the destroyer Lider. Remember, this is the Krylov Institute, which was responsible for developing the draft. The destroyer of Project 23560 Lider should move 17,500 tons and will be used to replace the great response vessels ASM (1155 Project 1155.1), nuclear missile cruisers of the 1144 Draft and 1144.2, and destroyers of the Project 956 (noting that the latter almost never take the sea). Lider should receive a similar nuclear-powered team which military icebreakers of Project 22220 (RITM-200), the first unit, the Arktika was launching in June in St Petersburg.
In terms of armaments, including Lider will implement Kalibr-NK missiles and anti-ship missiles P-800 Oniks, it will be equipped with an anti-aircraft defense system S-500 Prometheus, and a complex navalized Pantsyr-M. It is therefore expected that the destroyers of Project 23560 can implement area denial missions, while being endowed with great versatility. In 2015, the laying of the keel of the first unit was announced for 2019.
Beyond the announcement, some questions remain unanswered regarding the project cost and financing - knowing he would be planned to build 8 units - and on site who will carry units (probably the shipyard North at St Petersburg). Furthermore, insofar naval component of the 2011-2020 armament program does not include the laying of the keel destroyers of Project 23560, we must wait for the next program until 2025, which could integrate these buildings. Finally, the construction of new generation destroyer will be a trial run for the future aircraft carrier, the laying of the keel of the seed unit, if it occurs, will not happen until the 2030.