The good thing a about the movie Firefox is that the got the designation MiG-31 correct and the potential NATO code name "Firefox" consistent with other actual NATO name such as Firebar, Foxbat, Foxhound.
This is contrast to the ridiculous MiG-28 in .![]()
Now, now, apples and oranges, Firefox was almost pure fixtion, Top Gun is very true to life, with real aircraft, and real pilots, doing for real flying. In fact one of my boyhood idols, (Mr. ART SCHOL), died doing film work in an inverted flat spin into the ocean. Now there were of course some scenes that had to be "set up with models", but you saw things in Top Gun that had never been seen in any aircraft movie, and even though hyped, you got to see a little of the carrier culture, along with Naval Aviator's doing the do. It was as visceral and real as it gets, of course you know the F-5s were from the aggressor squadrons, so real naval aviators, flying front-line aircraft. ask bd where those carrier birds were from???