Any of those "developed markets" if put under a similar situation as the Russian market is facing right now, with the possible exception of the US, would have collapsed already. Many are heavily dependent on SWIFT, Visa, and Mastercard. Some are not, but are dependent on food or energy imports. And for the few who would be fine even without those in theory, in practice they miss lots of parts in the production chain. For example Canada might have oil, but it does not have the refining capacity, or even the pipelines to export their oil to their own ports. In theory they can cover their own requirements but in practice they can't. And do not even get me started with semiconductors. Other than Japan no country can do its own manufacturing tool chain with just their own products and even Japan depends on foreign factories to make its most advanced designs.
That video is the typical BS I have grown to expect from Visual Politik especially when applied to Russia. They focus on gas exports. They simply ignore gas exports to Europe provide less than a third the revenue to Russia of oil exports. And oil exports are way easier to route to different clients. And in fact they are already selling the oil which the Europeans turned away at their ports to India. Not even China.