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Ender's Shadow said:Problem with your arguement. Anyone who knows about Alexander knows he used small armies that lived off the land. You act as if he had big giant armies with huge supply lines. Wrong. Macedonian Cavalry, if used properly, was probably some of the best in the ancient world. It could have easily trashed supposed Chinese Cavalry.
I honestly don't know of any situation a chinese army used before 1940 where they cut off another armies supply lines. Causing Alexander to slow down? He already has a fast moving army. Okay, the only way to BEAT Alexander is with an army with highly superior numbers.
Such an army would move slowly. No amount of light cavalry could slow Alexander (With an army of say, 40,000.) to the point he slowed for an army large enough to beat him, (400,000ish) to catch him. He has his entire army together still, because you have nothing to harass. (He has no supplies lines in the first place.)
If you "destroy the land's sources" you'll hurt your own people because eventually he'd decide to loot a city for food. Alexander might avoid that if he could, but if you did that to him, he'd strike back by doing that.
Alexander would have fought them probably between 321-315 BC. I'd like to point out Alexander had a reputation of being a a genius general. This would have hurt Chinese morale if they knew. You can't have a million man standing army when it comes to the Chinese, because they have a lot of people to feed! They, like Rome, had an agricultural based society.
They couldn't afford to have giant standing armies because they would have to be able to feed them and pay them as well as have enough food production to feed the people. So, their army was mainly conscripts. Conscripts are inexperienced and wouldn't stand well to Alexander's battle hardened troops, especially if he used his Phalanx's effectively and incorporated his Javelin/Phalanx combo. He had other kinds of infantry, although his army was mostly phalanx infantry. (He had mercenaries and recruited Thracians.)
They didn't have the cross bow, so they can't even use that against Alexander. Alexander would have cleaned house against the Chinese. Chinese cavalry isn't as great as everyone thinks. I'd also like to point out that the Chinese couldn't have had steel until around 300 BC at the earliest, so they don't have that. Steel is expensive and time consuming to make anyway, so it would be rather hard to equip a large army with steel weaponry.
The chinese relied more on leather armor and iron/bronze weapons. (They did have Bronze and iron armor though.) So, throw in the fact the Chinese didn't have the cross bow then, didn't have steel, and they were mostly conscripted. Alexander's army was professional. Now, I'm gonna drop one more bomb. An average Chinese general wouldn't have the brains to know to do all of what you said. You're saying it from the view point of about 2300 years later.
Some, a summary of my points. The Chinese army was probably mostly inexperienced men. They didn't have the crossbow to hand to conscripts, so they would have had to teach them how to fight as infantry. Alexander had better Cavalry than the Chinese. He had other kinds of infantry. (Thracian Hypaspists, Foot Companions, and allied Greek infantrymen all of which were sword and shield users.) The Macedonian army was experienced, and lived off the land. THEY had a battle cry that would have disturbed the Chinese. "Psychological warfare" my foot, Alexander would have been on the giving end, not the recieving.
Alexander's cavalry used a wedge attack style, so they would have broken any Chinese infantry. The Chinese didn't even have the Phalanx or any Legion style of troops. They would have broken. (Again, conscripts.) Alexander had archers as well as Javelin throwers. I don't believe the Chinese ever fought a Phalanx, and on their first battle a Chinese general would probably throw tons of soldiers at the Phalanx, treating it like normal infantry. This would have slaughtered lots of Chinese infantry. Eventually one of them might have gotten the clever idea of attacking the rear or the flanks, and they'd be met with a lot of Cavalry. After the first battle Chinese morale would be horrible.
Oh, and you make it sound like all the kingdowns would unite against Alexander. Not likely. They'd probably take advantage of each other.
Anyway I'll respond with more later.
EDIT: Alexander would have also fought the Chinese during the Warring States period, not the Qin Dynasty.
Chinese military was conscript based actually. It's impossible to have a gigantic standing army and have such a large population to feed, as well as the army. (And paying them.) Their cavalry was in fact, not similar to Hunnish cavalry, but basically WAS Hunnish cavalry. (They got Cavalry in the Warring States Period from the North.) Yes, they probably had a small professional standing army, but not a gigantic one. Romans were in fact, better trained. I mean, if the Chinese were so disciplined, it would have been easy cake to conquer outside of china, but aside from conquering present day Mongolia, they never did much.
By the way, saying that because an army has been around longer means it's better trained is wrong. In fact, it's more likely it's worse trained if it doesn't innovate regularly, and unlike the Romans, the Chinese only fought themselves, so war was basically the same thing. They didn't innovate as much, because they rarely fought anything new. The Romans fought a variety of cultures, so their army probably was more flexible than the Chinese.
Time doesn't mean discipline will be higher, or skill of training. In fact, in most cases that's the opposite. (The French had a standing army longer than the US and our military is probably "more disciplined and better trained". In some cases, anyway.)
You are kiddin' me right? Seriously, you don't know jack about Chinese history.
Alexander was a genius, by western standards. His cavalry was top in the "known world," but not up to par to that of the Chinese (in fact, the only reason Alexander's armies was superior was because the rest of the western world had no professional army). His tactics were primative. His weapons far inferior. The far more likely outcome is that his morale would be hurt if he knew what he was up against in the Chinese. And the Macedonia warcries? I'm sure the Chinese would be very impressed if they hadn't faced it in the so many "barbarian tribes" they've ecountered. The better question is what would the Phalanx do upon hearing the Chinese war drums, which when beaten together, shakes the earth.
Your claim that "I honestly don't know of any situation a chinese army used before 1940 where they cut off another armies supply lines" shows your lack of knowledge in Chinese history. I can think so many off my head it's not even funny.
Want proof? Since there is a Three Kingdoms thread on the page, I'll stay in the spirit and use the Battle of Guan Du, specifically that little incident at Chen Cang as example.
You must also be kidding that the Chinese didn't have the crossbow, considering that it's been around since about the time Alexander was born, and certainly when he was old enough to lead an army.
It really makes no difference whether the Chinese kingdoms take advantage of the situation or unite, because each one of them were far superior to Alexander's armies. Furthermore, geography would have taken Alexander to either Qin or Chu, the two strongest of the Chinese kingdoms. It would have ended the Alexander the Great myth right there and then.
Nor do I see how supporting large armies enter the equation. China's agricultural output, thanks to far far superior technology that won't be matched until Medieval times, is several times that of all of Europe, Egypt and Asia Minor combined. Nor does China maintain a two million army for all of time. They raise the levels as needed and drops it as not needed. In any case, China never maintained less than 400000 men, even during peace times and never had a problem doing so, which would still place it far ahead of either the Romans or the Greeks, save maybe a year or two in the middle.
And let me put away this "China's army was largely conscript" myth away once and for all. Since the mid Western Han dynasty, long before Alexander or the Romans were around, China's armies were EXCLUSIVELY PROFESSIONAL. A peasant army had long disapperaed from sight.
In fact, it was only until 685 BC, some 50 years after the legendary founding of Rome, did peasant army re-appear again. 685 BC falls in the early Spring and Autumns period. At the time, the prime minister of the State of Qi, a brilliant man named Guan Zhong, correctly realized that a balance of power had occurred in China. It's quite interesting the Guan Zhong had, in such an early time, understood the concept of the zero sums game.
He correctly pointed out that if one kingdom (specifically Qi) was to raise another army, this would prompt the others to do so as well, effectively cancelling out all benefits of such action and only add to the expenses of the army. Thus, he proposed his famous reforms, which involved dividing Qi's 21 provinces into 6 production/economy provinces and 16 war support provinces. His trained the peasants do be capable to defend their land while the much larger and superiorly trained professional army can go about their conquest. If needed, the peasants can also reinforce the professional armies. Had this not happened, Chinese armies would have likely stayed EXCLUSIVELY PROFESSIONAL for even longer.
So your claims that Chinese troops were no more than conscripts is not only ludicrus, it's outright pathetic. Later armies followed the same format. In fact, this is the same format used by the Romans with their legions and auxilia. The professional troops in the Chinese armies FAR OUTNUMBERED the conscripts, many of which are used in sentry/logistics duty, not intended to hold a line.
So like I said, if "superiior Roman training" is your only point, chances are you've ran out of arguments.
Even more pathetic is your claims of "if the Chinese were so disciplined, it would have been easy cake to conquer outside of china, but aside from conquering present day Mongolia, they never did much." I don't know if you've ever checked a map, but the Yellow River Valley is not much bigger than Italy. But China the Han dynasty map is a lot bigger. The reason they did not venture further is two folded.
1. Their frontiers is one of the the largest wastelands in the world. NOTHING grows there. This stopped the settlement of a traditional sedentry people like the Chinese. Hell, even posting troops on the frontiers proved astronomically expensive. To imagine the effect of this, imagine everything north of Italy is desert and grassland.
2. They considered everything else not worth conquoring. Aside from the fact that these lands are useless, they are occupied by "uncivilized" people, whom the Chinese couldn't stand. Once again, this discouraged them from settling these lands.
But alright, I'll humour you in your little game. When Han Wudi finally decided he'll have no more of the Huns, his armies chased them all the way to the Caspian Sea, desert and grassland or not. This is simply an incredible achievement in then logistics capabilities.
Later, in the Tang dynasty, with only 30000 troops, the Chinese reached all the way to Afhganistan and Iran before being defeated by a far superiorly numbered foe at Talas.
And boy, if the Chinese didn't innovate much when it came to war, the rest of the world would have been going backwards. They faced far superior foes than the Romans ever did. There is always the sheer idiotic notion in the west that China grew out of isolation. Do I need to bring up how many tens of thousands of tribes (and later, states, and countreis) there were in early Chinese history? Saying China grew out of isolation is like saying if the Greeks and Romans had the strength of power to couquor Europe (which they didn't) and the strength of culture to hold on to their gains (which they also didn't), then Europe grew out of isolation. This claim of superior Roman innovation is simply asinine. No matter how you look at it, the advantage is the opposite way.
I'd suggest you actually take the time to study some history before posting again, which not only thoroughly embarrass yourself, but also wastes my time.
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