This story is horrible. The rich kid probably made a reckless error that killed someone, not an intentional murder. The rich kid or amazing moron should have been forced to perform community service for the rest of his life for every weekend. The rich kid or his parents should pay substantial compensation to the victim's parents for the rest of the rich kid's life. My take is if you screwed up, you do your best to fix the problem, even if the problem cannot be completely fixed.
Sh_t like this happens in America as well. Same with Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, etc. Rich people screw up and hurt lots of people or commit major crimes, and these rich criminals "suffer" light sentences. Middle class people or poor people commit accidents or crimes, and they get a beating.
If you are poor and you are caught using drugs by the police, you are in serious trouble. You may even be thrown in jail. If you're rich and doing drugs, no biggie. If you are poor and you steal $2,000, you could be thrown into jail. If you're rich and you steal $100,000, you could hire good lawyers and financial experts to make up a good excuse for you. Madoff and Enron are the exception, and many of their relatives and coworkers still made off with huge thefts. You struggle in school, get accused of plagiarism, and dodge the draft, but you come from a wealthy and connected family, you become a US congressman and VP (Joe Biden). You engage in prostitution and drugs, including with underage prostitutes, but you are wealthy and connected, you can escape your crimes (Roman Raymond Polanski). You lead a nation into bloody, expensive, and misleading wars, then you break many American and international laws, but you come from a ruling family, then you retire in luxury (Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and their mafia circles).
This is why I hate the legal/court system in EVERY country I know of. It's not about justice or morals. It's about who can game the legal system the best, and the rich people have a huge advantage in wealth, influence, and connections over middle class and poor people.