Abandon the highways that are now flooded and build new ones, and a good public transport system, at a higher level. Connect the abandoned highways with the sea by digging canals. Use the earth dug out of the canals to prepare platforms to be build upon for important buildings like hospitals. Let important facilities be at a level of say 2 metres or 7 feet above the water level reached during this storm.
If you can't do this you are living like Bangladesh. Paying for this in say twenty years is cheaper than the "occasional" disaster. The Netherlands were warned of the bad condition of the dikes in Zeeland by its engineers in the 1930's. WWII let to investment being delayed and than came the storm of February 1, 1953, with huge damage and the loss of nearly 2000 people. The norm is now that the dikes will be sufficient unless a storm happens as occurs once per 10 000 years.
If you can't do this you are living like Bangladesh. Paying for this in say twenty years is cheaper than the "occasional" disaster. The Netherlands were warned of the bad condition of the dikes in Zeeland by its engineers in the 1930's. WWII let to investment being delayed and than came the storm of February 1, 1953, with huge damage and the loss of nearly 2000 people. The norm is now that the dikes will be sufficient unless a storm happens as occurs once per 10 000 years.