Real life thread


Abandon the highways that are now flooded and build new ones, and a good public transport system, at a higher level. Connect the abandoned highways with the sea by digging canals. Use the earth dug out of the canals to prepare platforms to be build upon for important buildings like hospitals. Let important facilities be at a level of say 2 metres or 7 feet above the water level reached during this storm.
If you can't do this you are living like Bangladesh. Paying for this in say twenty years is cheaper than the "occasional" disaster. The Netherlands were warned of the bad condition of the dikes in Zeeland by its engineers in the 1930's. WWII let to investment being delayed and than came the storm of February 1, 1953, with huge damage and the loss of nearly 2000 people. The norm is now that the dikes will be sufficient unless a storm happens as occurs once per 10 000 years.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Abandon the highways that are now flooded and build new ones, and a good public transport system, at a higher level. Connect the abandoned highways with the sea by digging canals. Use the earth dug out of the canals to prepare platforms to be build upon for important buildings like hospitals. Let important facilities be at a level of say 2 metres or 7 feet above the water level reached during this storm.
If you can't do this you are living like Bangladesh. Paying for this in say twenty years is cheaper than the "occasional" disaster. The Netherlands were warned of the bad condition of the dikes in Zeeland by its engineers in the 1930's. WWII let to investment being delayed and than came the storm of February 1, 1953, with huge damage and the loss of nearly 2000 people. The norm is now that the dikes will be sufficient unless a storm happens as occurs once per 10 000 years.

No comparison this country is very poor in more it is almost a delta with Gange and Brahmaputra and BTW buy cheaper Chinese or second hand weapons :)


Looks like the worst is over... Our streets were all flooded and the water level got a little too high for comfort last night. Our neighborhood became a lake... fortunately, the downpour stopped early morning. The water has gone down significantly.

We have been lucky so far. Other than being without power for the most part of Saturday, we have been fine. Hope other Houstonians are doing well as well.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Looks like the worst is over... Our streets were all flooded and the water level got a little too high for comfort last night. Our neighborhood became a lake... fortunately, the downpour stopped early morning. The water has gone down significantly.

We have been lucky so far. Other than being without power for the most part of Saturday, we have been fine. Hope other Houstonians are doing well as well.

Mr Vesicles in my small city 35000 people can't say where... close Italy in mid june 2010 : 280 mm of rain in 40 mn !!! :eek: 30 deaths !!!* few wind max 50 km/h but rain !!! no hurricane a storm enter by the coast the most affected area was about 30 x 30 km 200 - 280 mm more far about 150 mm remains a big difference for damages more than 150 is much more dangerous.

*In the plain with a minor river, I live in a place close hills so no danger for me but around the house 5 - 10 cm of water !

As in Bangladesh justely :) or tropical countries and i am certain they don't have often this qty !


Looks like the worst is over... Our streets were all flooded and the water level got a little too high for comfort last night. Our neighborhood became a lake... fortunately, the downpour stopped early morning. The water has gone down significantly.

We have been lucky so far. Other than being without power for the most part of Saturday, we have been fine. Hope other Houstonians are doing well as well.

Hope there hasn't been too much damage to your property!


Lieutenant General
Abandon the highways that are now flooded and build new ones, and a good public transport system, at a higher level. Connect the abandoned highways with the sea by digging canals. Use the earth dug out of the canals to prepare platforms to be build upon for important buildings like hospitals. Let important facilities be at a level of say 2 metres or 7 feet above the water level reached during this storm.
If you can't do this you are living like Bangladesh. Paying for this in say twenty years is cheaper than the "occasional" disaster. The Netherlands were warned of the bad condition of the dikes in Zeeland by its engineers in the 1930's. WWII let to investment being delayed and than came the storm of February 1, 1953, with huge damage and the loss of nearly 2000 people. The norm is now that the dikes will be sufficient unless a storm happens as occurs once per 10 000 years.
You are asking a lot of a conservative parties in Texas and in Houston to sit down and work something out. o_O

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
You are asking a lot of a conservative parties in Texas and in Houston to sit down and work something out. o_O

Now Equation, you know those boys in Texas will take that flood and open a water park,,,, why kill the "cash cow" brother! LOL

Sorrow for those who lost their lives,,, people make choices, for themselves and their families,,, sometimes they make smart choices, and sometimes they don't...

All cognizant adults had more than ample warning and time to get to safety, some people choose to stick around for the adventure or other reasons??

May our Gracious Lord have Mercy!


You are asking a lot of a conservative parties in Texas and in Houston to sit down and work something out. o_O
In the eighties some strange people said that the Dutch rivers needed more space because of climate change. They also wanted to reintroduce beavers and other lost animals. It was called Plan Ooievaar ( Stork ). Then came two years at the end of last century when we might have experienced major and very expensive inundations if the water had risen just one inch more. This was just enough to get parliament to accept Plan Ooievaar. It has now nearly been done but I do wonder if current and following parliaments will be able to handle as wisely.:(