Its going to be a month long one but yes I'll be in China for Thxgiving.
Today I woke up a few minutes before 5:00 AM, made the coffee, checked the SDF, and launched to Canton, Il where I had scheduled an LSA check-out in an Ercoupe, with three axis control. It was a real trip as I had never flown anything quite like it, built in 1946, metal fuselage and center section, with fabric out wing panels and ailerons. Most Ercoupes do not have rudder pedals and the ailerons/rudder are linked together to prevent their being "cross- controlled, but as a result you cannot slip the aircraft into the wind to counter-act a crosswind?
Anyway, I enjoyed my flight instructor, a 30 year Air Force veteran, Chief Sergeant, started many years ago as a munitions man, loading A-7s, F-4s, F-100s and F-102s, said those Huns worked your butt off, installing pylons and weapons, finished active duty on F-16s and became a C-130 ground crew-member.
Next time I go up, a few more landings and I'll be solo in an LSA, flying an aircraft designed as the Ercoupe was is a blast, they made thousands of them as the Post WW-II pilot balloon went up, twin tails and bubble canopy, very pretty little airplane, and practically jumped off the ground?? amazing. Then I went by and picked up the battery to our old 172, the present owner has asked me to get it airworthy again after nearly three years, the old battery didn't have enough "poop to pop" and I had to use my car to jump start that bugger, makes you nervous working that close to the prop? LOL
So pumping the throttle and tickling the carb, I was finally able to get it to hit, and away she went , spent most of the afternoon cleaning three years of accumulated bird crap, bird nests and filth off the old bird. Hopefully I can get it into the shop soon, and get the annual inspection started and work under the supervision of the AI to disassemble, repair, replace, and reassemble after his inpections. It felt good to hear her run again, no flying today, just ground run-up and tweaking. I will have to drain the old fuel, as the left strainer is plugged by the auto gas, fuel primer line is likely plugged or primer seals are shot???, Upper cowling has been off three years as the battery can only be accessed with the cowling off, those stinking birds??, and that crap stains old chalked paint, really bad stains?? LOL