quick question about ROCAF


VIP Professional
I don't think anyone knows just how many Kh-31P China has in service, or what is the operational status of the YJ-91. This is what I would call a very wide unknown factor, and it can make a decisive difference in wargames as to the very survivability of Taiwan's air defense infrastructure. Confirming for example, whether the J-8IIs are capable of using the YJ-91, how many are capable of using it as well as the status of the YJ-91, means that the PLA's SEAD capabilities is much greater than previously thought, and not just ground air defense assets are threatened by it, but also ships and early warning aircraft. To attack an AEW aircraft using an ARM amounts to a software modification on the missile, and passive missiles are undetectable until it is too late. No emissions on part of the missile or the aircraft launching it that can alert a RWR and the RCS of a missile is too small to be detected from a distance while the missile is traveling too fast at you.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Hsiung-Feng said:
The TFE1042-70 only provide about 27kn(6,000 lbf) each, which is seriously underpowered for a fighter its size.

well actually they produce 9,460lb (19,000 in total) whit afterburner and the one you mentioned is the dry thrust. If you compare to Griben whit single F-404 whit 12,00 in dry and 18,100lb. So i wouldnt say seriously underpowered for small fighter like IDF. Actually its quite adequate...