Lieutenant General
And in this case It would likely Explode prematurely.
Which would necessitate a recalculated burst range.
The Bullets are gaging their timing based on Rotations per second. Not always The Actual number of nations thus far to have admitted to programs is the US (with Germany as possible Piggy back via HK's teaming on XM25 ), France (PAPOP canceled ), South Korea K11, The PRC ( were talking about it), Israel ( based on 40mm Shell ) the US again based on 40mm shells, Australia ( Metal Storm I believe Canceled), UAE (trialed K11), Canada (
The rest of the world seems to be wait and see including The Worlds # 2 Arms Maker Russia.
Well, I think those sitting on the fence will get off it pretty quickly if smart grenades are operationally deployed in a major conflict. The advantages they could bring are simply too large to ignore.
Yes in a US PRC conflict These two systems will face off but that situation is a World war III scenario.
Not necessarily. Could easily be two client states of both fighting against each other.
Unlike Most bull pups including the QBZ95 The XM25 Features dual Ejection ports. The Shooter can choose where the round exits the weapon.
This was a design feature considered as The US favors allowing Lefties to be lefties.
Did not know that, thanks for that info. But the question mark regarding just how effective recoil could be handled when corner shooting still stands.
Again depend on Recoil Which is subjective based on pressure generated by Firing, If the ZH05 is using a higher pressure round it's going to have more recoil.
Depends. If the ZH05 uses a recoil compensation system in the space left behind from removing the semi-auto function, then it's recoil may not be much more than the XM25.
However, as I said before, I question whether even XM25 levels of recoil are really controllable when fired without being properly braced.
Here is where the 5.8 comes into its own.
Translation it's a heavy sniper weapon and less apt to get closer to the front lines but better sited for over watch. A pseudo Sniper.
Isn't that what its always claimed to be? Only better than a sniper, since the smart grenades can effectively engage multiple targets at the same time.
Subjective to bogus Snipers will do what they need to do. and moving is one of there tasks and shooting and scooting is a known and practiced task.
Do and prefer are not the same thing.
Were both guilty of that.
Haha, fair enough.
exactly. every year more and more of the planet is urbanized that sprawl means more challenges against conventional models. the 3D terrain of Urban means that Military and police need to compensate more and more for threats using Urban and populations as Cover. Smart luanhsers were and are a reaction to that. the range also proved useful in Urban cities as well. of the recorded Sniper kills beyond 1,250M 5 were in Iraq of those one each in Ramadi, Latifiya and Sadr City.
The Rural Afghanistan pushed more and more deployment of larger caliber rounds like the .338LM and .300WM
Urbanisation typically cuts engagement ranges, which is why city fighting is such a nightmare - you cannot really bring your big guns to bare, reaction time are cut to a fraction at times, enemies can easily outflank or surprise you, and tight streets funnel troops onto bottlenecks.
5 kills from snipers 1km out in how many years of fighting? Not a sweeping argument in support of the need for extreme range is it?
If it was stopping power There are dozens of Heavy heating rounds that could have been adopted. It was range and stopping power.
That's a bogus argument. You might as well be asking why they aren't using elephant guns.
My point is, that for urban combat, the battlefield naturally cuts down the range of most engagements, thus the biggest advantage the 7.62 have ever the 5.8 is stopping power.
Sure it can shoot further, but firstly, the nature of urban combat makes such scenarios less likely to occur and secondly when they do, your SDM is unlikely to be packing the optics, range finding gear to attempt the shot, thus making any such long range shots more a pot shot rather than a truly high kill probability sniper shot.
Bogus A DMR is a Marksman not a Sledgehammer.
The Function of a Designated Marksmen is to extend the effective range of his Squad. as adotption of Shorter barreled M4 Carbines became more and more the norm there was a perceived lack of ability to accurately engage targets in traditional infantry ranges of 250-800m. This was the same reason that the Soviets adopted the SVD. The DM is still part of his squad he maneuvers with them and is part of them.
Again the range extension is aimed to increase the squads effective range to up to 800 meters. double the range of the Type 88.
Firstly, the Type 88's effective range is 800m with the sniper round, that's well within DMR range. 7.62 has the range advantage in the 800m+ region, but again, how often do those shots come up in urban combat, and how likely is a rifle gear for DMR to make such a shot when presented with the opportunity?
The 400m range is only when its using standard infantry rounds, but he will only be doing that if he is out of sniper rounds. In a similar situation, the US DMR is out and down to his handgun. Who really has the range advantage then?
Secondly, I think we have fundamentally different ideas of what the rest of the squad is supposed to be doing when the DMR is engaging at 800m, and by extension, why the DMR needs to be able to shoot that far out.
Sure, if you are dealing with the odd lone insurgent gunman, your single DMR is more than sufficient to deal with him.
But in a conventional, near-peer squad-on-squad engagement, the rest of the squad isn't going to just sit back and break out the cards as the DMR plinks away at the bad guys 1k out are they?
They are going to be looking to haul-ass to get into position to engage the enemy as well.
In that scenario, the DMR is supposed to be able to provide moving covering and suppressing fire so the enemy doesn't get to just sit back and have a turkey shoot.
But as the squad closes, the DMR is going to have to go with and cannot just hang back half a click behind his squad mates taking pot shots all by himself.
As such, in a real operational engagement against a conventional foe, the range advantage the 7.62 enjoy over the 5.8 is going to be transitory at best.
we Agree hurrah....
OGM Woop Woop!