If they do so, I wish they got rid of the curve on the rear iron sight. Just elevate the entire top to make it evenly flat. It would probably also solve the issue of the gas block blocking the installment of a full-length handguard.
Well the point of having a whole new upper receiver would be to make some structural mods to the upper receiver and handguard and barrel assembly.
Even assuming the action and gas system doesn't change, from rear to front, they can still dothings like:
- remove the rear iron sight (which is part of the upper receiver), to make it a bit more flat with the picatinny rail
- adopt a barrel nut designed to accommodate a free floating handguard
- new gas port design to be lower profile so that the handguard can be over the gas port
- new free floated, longer handguard, as written above, which only interfaces at the barrel nut. Also have an opening in the handguard at the gas port so the gas port can be adjusted easily without actually affecting the handguard itself.
- removal of the front iron sight too (the iron sight on the standard 191 is part of a structure which interfaces at the gas port, and obviously that won't be the case for this upgrade)
In terms of the way the opening in the gas port for the handguard would work, something like this (the handguard and receiver design obviously won't be like it, just showing the opening in the handguard for the gas port):